Posts by Will Mace

  • Hard News: Funky Seaside Village Revisited,

    2001 was my last year at school - yes secondary, not uni - which I guess gives you all a few years on me. I think it's fantastic that I have no idea what generation i'm supposed to be in, apart from the perennial whine that we are the "lazy" generation which is easy to ignore (perhaps because i'm lazy). We have no punk, reggae or non-commercial roots music to combine our up-yours attitude into something vaguely organised. Instead we rely on irony to destruct the messages jabbed at us from every PR avenue (and there is no doubt some great bands have sprung from this). I have to report that good honest interaction between individuals and groups seems to be on the rise despite the boom-bust of the economy. And I like to think we can succeed in continuing this, especially with supportive idealists pushing for progressive and productive change in our society. I'm partisan, but the nature of our government is something we all have to face - just ask the "public service manager" who stepped forward on PA last week to tell us how it is. How can we bitch about Telecom, when those regulating the industry are so huddled together that they can't fit in the Beehive door? But still I do what we all do - I keep reading and writing, I keep wondering how I can add something to Aotearoa, and I will keep tripping "sparkly-eyed down K' Rd". Thanks Russell.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2009 • 1 posts Report