It's one thing to grouch about the state of the music industry; another to try to move it along. In the interests of the latter, today we kick off something called The Public Address Big Stereo Bundle. We'll be making regular selections from the download catalogue at and presenting them as bundles for Public Address readers.
Here's the first one, as chosen by me. It's deliberately eclectic: some old, some new, a little bit indie, a little bit dancefloor:
1. The L.E.D.s - Electric Light
2. Sheelahroc, Rhian Sheehan - If I gave U Th' Mic (Phat beats down mix)
3. Phoenix Foundation - The Drinker
4. isunray - Icebergs Off the Coast
5. Fetus Productions - What's Going On
6. Epsilon Blue - So Many Times
7. Solephonic - What's Your Style?
8. Bannerman - Shoot Away
9. Cabbage Bomber - My Life in Retrograde
10. The Reduction Agents - Couldn't Anymore
That's 10 MP3 tracks, with a face value of $19.90, for only $15. In the case of the older tracks, I've chosen tunes with which people might be familiar without owning in digital form. If you already have one or two of them, you're still getting a bargain.
For those interested, the money works like this: the artist takes 60% of the retail price of an Amplifier sale. After transaction costs are taken out, Public Address and Amplifier share the balance equally. Nice and simple.
I'll let the other bloggers have a flutter as we go on, and we'll work on some themed bundles and getting certain things added to Amplifier especially for the purpose. Also, next week, we'll take advantage of some nice functionality at Amplifier and reskin our Store page there so that it presents as part of Public Address.
I'm also fortunate enough to have been able to persuade elusive Pt Chevalier celebrity Colin the Cat to appear in a promotional campaign for our new thing.

More LolColin here.
And given that I'm away talking to students in Christchurch today, perhaps readers could amuse themselves by posting YouTube URLs in the discussion forum for this post (you just need the URL for YouTube, Google Video and some other Flash movies and our killer technology will embed it automatically).
PS: Did I mention the bundle enough?