Island Life by David Slack


Suits YOU sir

Let’s consider Chris Trotter’s thesis that the patrons of the National Party are not likely to be digging deep just to see the election of a Labour Lite replacement.

Let’s view it through the prism of yesterday's broadband announcement. The announcement is welcome news to this Internet trader. It might be rather vague on detail and raise unanswered questions about regulation and matching private sector investment but the intent is nonetheless laudable.

Here’s my response to the snide folk who have been saying: faster downloading for your YouTube and your porn and your pirated movies. I spend thousands on hosting in the USA because no-one here can set me up with a fast enough server and a big enough data allowance. That money could be being spent here. Ask Rod Drury what it could mean for the Software As A Service businesses he’s involved in.

It’s becoming trite to say it, but it’s nonetheless true: internet infrastructure is as important to us as roads, railways and refrigerated ships. Why not have it in abundance, rather than relatively scarce and expensive? Let a thousand e-commerce sites bloom!

So what about the Trotter thesis? Ask yourself how thrilled Maurice 'no-hands' Williamson is to see his party putting up all that tyre smoke as John Key throws a handbrake turn on the do-nothing policy the party’s IT spokesperson favours.

This collector’s card goes in the same page of the party photo album as the images of Guyon Espiner stalking Lockwood and Maurice down the corridor, trying to get them to repeat their private declarations of climate change skepticism.

Consider for a moment those audiences in the rooms where the recalcitrant former ministers confided their doubts. Consider whether such people might be a source of the funds which Chris Trotter posits are being pledged in expectation of suitable policy settings for the gentleman who dresses to the right.

The leader might be willing to bolt himself steadfastly to the slightly left of centre ground in order to secure the prestigious job, but the bungy rope must be getting pretty damn taught, if the expression on Maurice's face is any guide.

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