Hard News: Music: The year the second-greatest Christmas song beat the greatest to number one
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“Here it is once again – the dark horse for this year’s Christmas number one…”
Can we embed youtube vids in the comments?
Stephen Colbert & Henry Rollins Sing “Carol Of The Bells”
Also, this: a beautiful Christmas song by Buzz Moller from Voom and his daughter Grace. Awwww …
Sharon Jones just did a Christmas themed Tiny Desk Concert on NPR: http://www.npr.org/event/music/460562287/sharon-jones-the-dap-kings-tiny-desk-concert
Russell Brown, in reply to
Can we embed youtube vids in the comments?
Yes! All you need to do it paste in the URL (not the embed code) and it automagically embeds.
Great XMas song selection. I can’t understand the appeal of Jamie Xx though – a huge crowd of people cheering on while listening to a big stereo, to me that is just very sad. Next we could have a circus where people watch a big screen instead of having performers.
John Lennon:
Russell Brown, in reply to
a huge crowd of people cheering on while listening to a big stereo, to me that is just very sad
It sounds like my ideal night out ;-)
This one goes out to my sister <3
“Christmas time is here, by golly; disapproval would be folly…” Can’t beat Tom Lehrer for festive spirit:
Kate Tempest on Friday, 15 January 2016 at Kings Arms Tavern looks to be sold out. Here’s hoping they get a bigger venue or an extra show.
How about this, The Twelve Days of Christmas a la Twin Peaks cast – it’s all there, talking logs, donuts, coffee …oh, and that body!
BTW Twin Peaks is set to return in 2017
Gordon Campbell has some xmas clips (scroll down).
The definitive ambivalent Christmas tune. Happy lyrics, plangent chords.
(For all the Charlie Browns in the world)
In a Xmas miracle, McGowan gets new teeth
I feel like the second paragraph of this post is basically a mansplaining of “All I Want For Christmas is You”. Tbh, the song is over 20 years old and anyone who hasn’t heard it by now has essentially missed out on 20 Christmases without maximum levels of joy and cheer.
The weirdest thing – some people think it’s an older song that Mariah Carey made famous with a cover. But no – she wrote it herself and it is very much a product of the 1990s.
Ian Dalziel, in reply to
Yule log, stardate 23.12.2015
For all the Charlie Browns in the world
It has to be done
- sorry…
:- )
Snoop Doggy -
Have taught the kids at school both the Slade and Wizzard songs. Great singalong tunes and cool to bash out on the guitar. Makes a change from having to do the Boney M version of Mary’s Boy Child all the time. I read somewhere that Slade makes 500,000 quid every Christmas off that song.
I worked retail in the 90s, so I have to say anyone who’s managed to avoid All I Want For Christmas for the last twenty years has done extraordinarily well. Cheer, bah humbug. There are very few songs that can be played eight hours a day on repeat for a month every year that don’t give survivors the twitches. Boney M’s Christmas stuff I still like.
The entire history of NZ television hasn’t been catalogued yet, otherwise I’d share the completely bloody awful 1993 Wheel of Fortune Christmas Special, featuring Sir Howard Morrison, Simon Barnett, Rima Te Wiata and at least two PA readers on backing vocals. You guys reminded me of it with John Lennon above, and The Lord’s Prayer video clip the other day. Unfortunately the version we sang didn’t have a funky disco beat.
White Wine In The Sun…
Some oldies but goodies tucked away in these six alternative Christmas songs including Laibach’s wintry take on Across the Universe.from 1988. Enjoy!
I usually need an xmas schmaltz antidote around this time of year:
The Ramones
Spinal Tap
B Jones, in reply to
I feel like the second paragraph of this post is basically a mansplaining of “All I Want For Christmas is You”.
I think that’s more Columbusing than mansplaining :-) Like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes He star’d at an ocean millions of people had been living beside and navigating for millennia.
White Wine in the Sun is one of my faves as well.
Mike O’Connell, in reply to
Oh yes, Spinal Tap… try this, one louder! Joseph Spence and Santa Claus is comin’ to Town.
Russell Brown, in reply to
I feel like the second paragraph of this post is basically a mansplaining of “All I Want For Christmas is You”.
I think that’s more Columbusing than mansplaining :-) Like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes He star’d at an ocean millions of people had been living beside and navigating for millennia.
I did note that 155 million people had got there before me :-)
I presume I’ve heard it, but that’s the first time I’ve ever knowingly listened to it. So I was more explaining it to myself. The girl-group sound actually wasn’t what I expected.
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