Hard News: One man’s Meat Puppets is another man’s Poison
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I think I’m allergic to this bloke.
Sorry, but I just can’t stand it. And no, I won’t be linking ;-)
The Phantom of the Opera is appalling.
A deconstruction of the main, and opressively dominant musical motif:
Start at the top of a minor scale. Go down to the third. Go back up again. That’s all. No refunds for the short ride.
Good on ya, Lord Lloyd Webber.
Otherwise, my torture would be anything from Ms. Celine Dion.
As suggested by Dan News, Creed …
Russell Brown, in reply to
Sorry, but I just can’t stand it.
You’re banned.
This – the perfect storm of mind-bending awfulness. So many people who should have known better blurping through a banal song grossly over-produced, and it just refused to go away…
How do you do the long url? Which one is that?
This is the worst. I spent a summer working in a feezing works where this was repeated on the radio at least once each hour.
Otmar Lieber.
I worked in a restaurant and we had ONE Otmar Lieber CD and we played it over and over and …
One of the waiters left and as a parting gift he destroyed the CD. Oh how we cheered until the manager turned up with another copy just the same as the first.
it goes around and around…
Russell Brown, in reply to
How do you do the long url?
Either copy and paste it from the address window in your browser, or click “Share” then choose “Long Link” in the little Options menu and copy and paste that.
So working at HMV was akin in living in the same house with my mother then. With regards to the Phantom of the Opera, that is. Not a big Public Enemy fan.
Florence and the Machine and their like always sound as if they’re creating music purely to be part of a movie soundtrack for the next Twilight movie. It makes me sad inside, but apparently not as sad as they are, miserable bastards.
Novelty music is my particular peeve. It’s been rumoured that playing “Who the ‘Bleep’ is Alice” in my vicinity can set me off into a homicidal rage, which is strange because there usually aren’t any survivors.
Kumara Republic, in reply to
This – the perfect storm of mind-bending awfulness. So many people who should have known better blurping through a banal song grossly over-produced, and it just refused to go away…
To me, it’s more of an accidental period piece – a by-product of the Muller Thurgau-soaked excesses of the pre-1987 Crash era.
What do I find truly unlistenable? Something potentially punishable by extradition to The Hague. You have been warned. Please sign the relevant waivers to avert emotional distress litigation.
I suppose Barry Manilow is too obvious?
Anything by Leonard bloody Cohen (all three of my husbands have liked him).
Never heard them but the answer is Nickelback, right?
This is a so bad it’s bad thread right? I’m tempted to put in some ‘so bad it’s goods’.
I’ll have to get back to this, but just a little white whine, reading this on an iPhone is its own form of torture.
‘Worst song ever!’
‘Flash not supported.’Flash is the worst song [sic] ever.
Weezer: I love the Blue album. Pinkerton is *perfect*. The Green Album and Maladroit have their place. There’s one song on Make Believe that’s really good. The Red Album has three fantastic tracks.
Then they did this:
How am I supposed to tell my kids their music sucks when my bands are making shit like that?
Russell Brown, in reply to
This is a so bad it’s bad thread right? I’m tempted to put in some ‘so bad it’s goods’.
It’s not meant to be a “so bad it’s good” thread. It’s a “so bad I want to self-harm” thread. But, hey, since when have PA threads kept rigorously to topic?
One man’s Meat Puppets is another man’s Poison
Ain’t that the truth. I actually like about half of the suggestions posted so far.
Sorry, but after reading that article – again – I kinda feel that this game is a little bit in bad taste. That said, something I really hate will probably occur to me later and I’ll post it like the hypocrite I am.
On the subject of ‘Phantom’, it seems worth to quote the final lines from Roger Waters’ ‘It’s a miracle.’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyy4zeS4-5o
We cower in our shelters
With our hands over our ears
Lloyd-Webber’s awful stuff
Runs for years and years and years
An earthquake hits the theater
But the operetta lingers
Then the piano lid comes down
And breaks his fucking fingers
It’s a miracleSeems like you’re not the only one with a grudge against Mr Lloyd-Webber.
Nickleback, Creed, et al are bad but I don’t think they fall into the category of torture, cos at least you can have some fun with their tunes:
Sunn O))), on the other hand. How do you have fun with them? Surely this is the perfect noise to encourage the hungry, sleep-deprived prisoner to confess?
Self-harm indeed.
My best friend taught singing in high schools for over a decade. Nobody hates Andrew Lloyd Webber like she does. Yous should get drunk and discuss it some time.
When I was in the Halls of Residence in 1990, the girl in the next room broke up with her boyfriend. End to end, over and over, for weeks, this. Twenty-two years and I still can’t bear a single note of it.
Also. My Heart Will Go On, and I Will Always Love You. No it won’t, and no I won’t. Just. Fuck. Off.
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