Indiana Jonesing
It’s time for another Democratic primary round and the turnouts are huge. Will Hillary’s conversion to whisky-drinkin’ and economic populism keep her the race? Or does it turn from here?
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I’ll start …
Hilarious (but apparently serious) re-positioning of Hillary as the candidate who can drink McCain under the table.
And darn those fancy economists with their high-falutin’ theories and all.
This is stupid, but possibly also effective.
Our household is now in a blue funk: we await the anointing of President McCain. Sigh.
And darn those fancy economists with their high-falutin’ theories and all.
Jon Stewart was hilariously cutting on that point last night…
Ha. Drudge has exits as 51-37 for Obama in NC and 45-43 in Ind.
Could he finally kill off the witch?
And…. sexism. Awesome.
Yeah, HuffPo has spectacular exit polls for Obama too, but he always over-performs in exit polls ..
No, I don’t think she’s a witch purely because she’s a woman. I think she’s a witch because she’s an evil person.
Had she been a man I would have said warlock. -
And…. sexism. Awesome.
I don’t think its sexism to loath Hilary – at the start of the the primary I was happy for either of them to win the nomination but leaning towards Hilary because I had doubts about Obama’s experience. My new-found hatred has nothing to do with her gender and everything to do with the way she’s conducted her campaign.
Had she been a man I would have said warlock.
I’ll take your word for it.
(People so often refer to, say, Karl Rove or Dick Cheney as ‘warlocks’, don’t they? And the word has just the same cultural baggage. Oh wait. No it doesn’t.)
I don’t like Hillary’s campaign much either, Danyl: I’m an Obama supporter. But falling back on ‘witch’ to describe her is plain old sexism.
I don’t always agree with their politics, but CounterPunch have a lot of interesting and well thought out perspectives that never make it to CNN or the NY Times. Take this article on his funding.
Uh. Calling a Democrat who commands the support of about 50% of the Democratic constituency “evil” may not make you a sexist, but it may suggest [figure it out for yourself]. Sorry, harsh but true.
Uh. Calling a Democrat who commands the support of about 50% of the Democratic constituency “evil” may not make you a sexist, but it may suggest [figure it out for yourself]. Sorry, harsh but true.
Tell me, do you also apply this logic to the current president? By your reasoning his electoral success in 04 makes him a pretty good guy, no?
Uh. Calling a Democrat who commands the support of about 50% of the Democratic constituency “evil” may not make you a sexist, but it may suggest [figure it out for yourself]. Sorry, harsh but true.
I look to avoid gender-specific epithets, but I’m with Danyl on the nature of the Clinton campaign. I think it crossed the line from risible to disgraceful with the gas-tax holiday.
Coming up with a frankly insane soundbite idea then bashing your fellow Democrat (and actually, the entire Democratic leadership) as an “elitist” because he doesn’t buy it is unspeakable.
It’s the thought of 4 years of Obama’s eloquent yet depressingly vacuous speeches that puts me off.
BTW, if Hilary’s a witch what does that make Bill? -
It’s the thought of 4 years of Obama’s eloquent yet depressingly vacuous speeches that puts me off.
And you’re not finding Clinton’s no-truck-with-them-fancy-economists schtick way more vacuous?
BTW, if Hilary’s a witch what does that make Bill?
Her Familiair, surely?
(Check out the section in the article on Prince Rupert’s poodle. Weird stuff)
The networks have called North Carolina for Obama already.
They’re holding off on Indiana.
I tell you whut </Hank Hill>, I’d much rather listen to either Clinton or Obama’s ‘vacuous’ speeches than the sitting president’s. Let’s not lose perspective here.
Could he finally kill off the witch?
FFS, stop the misogyny.
And darn those fancy economists with their high-falutin’ theories and all.
This is stupid, but possibly also effective.
*sigh* Also rather ironic, considering she’s 100% with McCain on the economically illiterate pander-palooza, and the supposedly “elitist” and “far-left” Obama who’s looking like the reality-based economic conservative in this race.
If Clinton (and McCain) wants to keep pushing the line that she’s “ready to lead from day one”, it would be nice to see some evidence that she’s got this leadership quality: The will and plain ovarian fortitude to tell people what they don’t want to hear, and make the case for an inconvenient truth (pun intended).
“But falling back on ‘witch’ to describe her is plain old sexism.”
Nope. It’s not.
I dislike Hillary for a whole raft of reasons mentioned here. Not because she’s a woman.
Gotta be honest, wouldn’t have said “warlock” for a man. That was a ‘joke’. I would have said bastard. Another gender specific epithet.
I find Hilary more cynical than vacuous.
I agree she’s scraping every barrel she can find, but even after all this time I’ve got no idea what Obama actually stands for.
I too was getting tired of Obama’s speechifying so checked out his policy doc – yes, he had some, some of which I thought would be really good for the US.
But sitting on the sidelines, it seems both candiadates, and Clinton clumsily these last weeks, is trying to find, reach and harness the mood of the nation… so the fact they’ve needed to visit so many states is at least a good thing.
ovarian fortitude
I want something significant to be named this. A band. A ship. A bed and breakfast. Something.
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