Island Life: Adventures in English
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I like gobsmacked. From now, though, I think I’m going to start using ‘flabberfounded’, or ‘dumbgasted’.
wait, you mean it’s not a sexual reference …..
Or just plain Impressed.
In keeping with the swearing meme, (and not to disappoint Jackie) cuntstruck :)
And maybe some alternatives to “gutted” while we’re at it.
“That was Intense” seemed to displace blown away among the young fellahs.
Awestruck? Not as good as cuntstruck tho.
Awestruck? Not as good as cuntstruck tho.
However possibly with more options for relevant use in general speech. Cuntstruck is best used when it really suits.
And maybe some alternatives to “gutted” while we’re at it.
Ok, how about; disemboweled, eviscerated, cavitated, split from stern to spleen, disabdomenised. Or how about “I was Bloody Eagled”
A graphic description appears in the ßáttr af Ragnars sonum: ‘They caused the bloody eagle to be carved on the back of Ælla, and they cut away all of the ribs from the spine, and then they ripped out his lungs.’
Cuntstruck is best used when it really suits.
Like on Outrageous Fortune? (just checking who watched the swearing segment on Media7)
And maybe some alternatives to “gutted” while we’re at it.
How about the alternate spelling “guttered”? Guttered, mate. Guttered.
Also “over the moon”. Husbands seem to be over the moon the most, usually when their wives announce they’re pregnant, have a baby, lose weight or get a nipple piercing.
Cuntstruck is best used when it really suits.
like screeching it at full volume when you find out yr partner has strayed, i seem to recall ;-)
Google search for “real guttered” – go New Zealand!
“Over the Moon”: Is that more “I’m leaping cow while the dish ran away with the spoon” or ” I’m feel like Michael Collins orbiting while Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the surface”?
anything but ‘awesome’
like screeching it at full volume when you find out yr partner has strayed, i seem to recall ;-)
24 hour fucked up big time, then single: gutted :)
devastated, ruined, wrecked or even quartered: Hung, Drawn & Quartered
No-one likes a wobbly table, but sometimes you have to ask yourself: “could I be putting that dictionary to better use?”
I paused for a moment before commenting, and wondered whether I really ought to, and then thought, “No! Dammit – I rejoice in my identity as a pendant!”
So… shouldn’t that be a thesaurus rather than a dictionary?
<scuttles back to hideaway in Adelaide>
Eek! ‘Awesome’ doesn’t fit at all!
Know why I thought of it though: many moons ago, in much the same spirit as David, I issued a list of synonyms of “awesome” to the presenters of a children’s TV show I then worked for, in an attempt to thwart the spread of ‘awesome’-ness throughout the general population.
Needless to say, it was Canute Vs Tide all over again
You know you are getting old:
When you first hear your parents words coming out of your mouth, usually directed at your children
Or you start whinning about how language is starting to go down hill
Or possibly the PM doesn’t speak just like youNothing wrong with being a full paid up member of the Pendant Society though!
Don’t you hate it when reporters say something is taken off someone when they mean from someone!
Nothing wrong with being a full paid up member of the Pendant Society though!
Yeah nah.
24 hour storm, heavy downpour: guttered :)
Being a member of the Pendant Society is not a hanging offence.
Heh. Sorry to miss that chat after filming, Paul.
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