Island Life by David Slack

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Island Life: Anyone can do design.

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  • Rich of Observationz,

    I’d like to suggest that readers subvert the competition by sending in anti-logos in their thousands.

    Something like a soviet-style image of Rodney, with the words “My City. My Vote. Your Problem”.

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts

  • Andre Alessi,

    I spent a couple of hours attempting to draw penises in MS Paint. Harder than it looks!

    But then I do have a qualification in design, so I’m probably hampered by my artistic pretentions.

    Edit: To clarify, the penises were going to be my entry into the competition for Auckland’s logo. I wasn’t drawing them for fun.

    Devonport, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 864 posts

  • George Darroch,

    These points may be true, but looking at the present Auckland City Council logo it’s hard to be inspired by the professional design industry. The last logo the ACC had was just fine, in my (layman’s) opinion.

    I suppose, however, that a great many logos do their job so well that we don’t really notice them.

    WLG • Since Nov 2006 • 2264 posts

  • David Slack,

    the penises were going to be my entry into the competition

    Careful not to leave them lying around. I suspect that’s how we ended up with the Sky Tower.

    Devonport • Since Nov 2006 • 599 posts

  • recordari,

    Did Telecom use talented and experienced graphic designers to come up with this?

    And had they seen the New Dowse Museum Logo before they got started?

    I agree it shouldn’t be left to ‘Joe Public’, but hopefully we can do better than these two, and the current Auckland City Council logo also. Actually, the Dowse one sort of works, but still…

    While we’re at it, we discussed a PAS patch some time back. Here’s my Joe Public attempt (™). And yes, I totally ripped off PIL, inverted the blacks and whites and put fonts that don’t even match in the middle, which completely supports your point ;-)

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts

  • stephen clover,


    those works need experienced, professional, trained experts? Just like graphic design actually.

    Possibly nothing is quite as funny as a graphic designer or an information architect or whatever who feels professionally slighted by this sort of idiocy. ;)

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts

  • George Darroch,

    Can we get some design attention to those awful flag suggestions the Sunday Star Times insists on foisting as its contribution to the debate?

    WLG • Since Nov 2006 • 2264 posts

  • jeremy gray,

    I suspect telecom was plagiarizing Kurt Vonnegut – This is from breakfast of champions, and yes, it is supposed to be a butthole.

    I’m a bit skeptical that a logo requires a multimillion dollar designer, but if that one was a knowing joke pulled on them by their designer I can say their money was well spent.

    point chev • Since Apr 2008 • 44 posts

  • recordari,

    I suspect telecom was plagiarizing Kurt Vonnegut – This is from breakfast of champions, and yes, it is supposed to be a butthole.

    One of my favourite authors, coincidently.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts

  • George Darroch,

    That said, if it was a knowing joke pulled on them by their designer I can say their money was well spent.

    At least their logo wasn’t goatsed.

    WLG • Since Nov 2006 • 2264 posts

  • Paul Litterick,

    Given Telecom’s recent woes, the design seems peculiarly apt: a symbol of a messed-up network. But it is clearly the work of a designer, just as Auckland’s hideous logo clearly is the work of an amateur.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts

  • Lyndon Hood,

    Concurs with post. It sounds like no part of the process is sensible.

    There’s a teeny bit more brief in the FAQ
    but FFS… ‘effective’? What effect?

    I think the broader lesson may be to do with the power that autocracy has to make fundamental mistakes.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1115 posts

  • Sacha,

    To clarify, the penises were going to be my entry into the competition for Auckland’s logo.


    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts

  • James W,

    I can pretty much guarantee that both the Auckland City Council and Telecom logos were the results of clients thinking they know better than the designers. The fact they both look awfully try-hard and completely vague at the same time is proof of Fraser’s point: not everyone can do design, including clients.

    I’m sure both researched well, however.

    Since Jul 2008 • 136 posts

  • Paul Litterick,

    The full horror of the Super City is revealed in the FAQ:

    What work will the new Auckland Council do and where might the logo be used?

    The new council will be responsible for things like policy and regulatory work, dog and noise control, parks, community facilities (halls, libraries, swimming pools etc), rubbish collection and recycling, building and resource consents, and local events.

    Dog and noise control… it hardly seems worth hiring a professional; just get some kid to knock up something in MS Paint.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1000 posts

  • Robyn Gallagher,

    That logo cost $50,000? You’re joking. You’re bloody having me on. Looks like something my 5-year-old could have done with a box of crayons and/or something my dog chucked up.

    Et cetera.

    Since Nov 2006 • 1946 posts

  • kiwicmc,

    Hey Frazer,

    Can we get you to redesign the NZ drivers license?, I’m embarrassed every time I had it over to a rental car agent.

    Auckland, New Zealand • Since May 2008 • 88 posts

  • Pete Sime,

    Call me old fashioned, but can’t the new city just apply for a grant of a coat of arms. It costs around 2000 pounds.

    Dunedin • Since Apr 2008 • 171 posts

  • Kirsten Brethouwer,

    This whole competition reeks of cheap. hey, why pay a professional outfit MILLIONS (because we never heard the end of the hoohaa about the cost of the last logo) if we can get everything over and done with for 10 000 and if I read well, not even 10 000 in cash but “The winning entrant will receive a trophy from the judging panel and a prize package of the ‘best of Auckland’ attractions to the value of $10,000.”
    wTF??? I am a designer and I don’t turn my nose up for 10000 dollars but wouldn’t it make you feel king of dirty, when you’re left holding a trophy in a picture and a bunch of vouchers and another outfit does get paid from that moment on for the actual ongoing design/branding and strategy work? What’s wrong with paying people for honest work?

    Waiheke Island • Since Nov 2006 • 35 posts

  • Evan Yates,

    There is nothing to stop professional designers working their mojo in getting a logo on the gogo.

    All the new body is doing is saying :
    “We don’t want to pay hefty fees for the thinking up bit. When we have done that in the past we have been gouged and then laughed at. You do the inspiration bit first for free and then we might reward you with small cash prize and a further opportunity to sell us other stuff along that same theme”

    I think it is a stroke of genius.

    The issue over whether it will be any good comes down to the judging panel. If they can’t find anything good then I hope they have the stones to chuck the lot and start over.

    A crowd-sourced car-park might fall over and kill people, costing the rate-payers a fortune in compensation payouts. A crowd sourced logo may at worst invoke ridicule (which a large chunk of the population is going to do regardless..). They can’t lose.

    Even if the entered art-works are a bit rough, if the panel like the concept, then they hire a professional to spruce it up.

    Hamiltron, Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Nov 2006 • 197 posts

  • Sacha,

    They can’t lose.

    Wrong – it’s worth billions. There’s stuff-all point trying to market Auckland as a world-class city for visitors and businesses (one of the justifications for this whole supercity palaver) if they can’t be arsed paying for professional branding advice up-front. More cheap know-nothing incompetence from the top. Where do they find these clowns?

    Seen Melbourne’s logo lately? That’s the competition.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts

  • Evan Yates,

    Seen Melbourne’s logo lately? That’s the competition.

    … and yet there are still people who are not overwhelmed by its magnificence.

    Some people think it isn’t crap… hardly a stunning endorsement.

    Cost AU$240,000. Auckland are going to get their (undoubtedly) rubbished-by-many logo for $10K. Good deal.

    I still maintain… They can’t lose…

    Hamiltron, Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Nov 2006 • 197 posts

  • Sacha,

    Spoken like a Hamiltonian :)

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts

  • Kirsten Brethouwer,

    I like Melbourne’s Logo. It immediately reminds me of the NGV at Federation square, and it has some soul to it. The reaction in the Age is just too predictable. Some interest in the creative process, an interview here or there with people actually involved or even knowlegdeable about design, would maybe give people the opportunity to feel proud of the new identity. The usual yadda yadda that it actually has a cost (wouldn’t be able to buy much of a house in Melbourne for 240 000, would you??) is tiresome.
    And as you pointed out Evan it’s not going to be costing 10K, the professional who spruces it up is going to charge a whole lot more than that.

    Waiheke Island • Since Nov 2006 • 35 posts

  • Amy Gale,

    Seen Melbourne’s logo lately?

    Nope. Because nobody has, except for design/branding enthusiasts and the occasional grumpy vox pop-er.

    Ok, I’ve looked now. It seems perfectly nice. Better than Telecom. Not as good as the NZ Film Commission or NZ Post. I can’t imagine it speaking to me as a Melburnian, but I probably wouldn’t be offended either.

    That’s the competition.

    Melbourne might be the competition, but its logo? Is there any research at all to show that tourists are even aware of the logos of places they visit, much less influenced by them?

    This just seems like the ferry terminal thing from another angle. People want Auckland to be awesome, and seen as awesome, but their approach is so heavily influenced by their own areas of expertise that they seem to entirely miss the fact that their ideas will have negligible or zero impact on awesomeness.

    So we end up with arguments for looking good, and for telling people we’re good. Do world class cities seriously worry about that sort of thing? Or do they just get on with being?

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts

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