Island Life: Good on ya, Paula
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Sometimes I fear there is simply an “information deficit” in this country that allows the kind of shit you talk about to get through.
We are doomed.
It may not be true, but if it bloody well ought to be, well, that might do.
She is our very own Sarah Palin.
OMG. I just said this in the other thread. I wasn’t ripping you off, I swear!
She was truly vile on Close-Up tonight. In fact, if she practices hard, she may one day be able out-smarm Key.
I’d been thinking all afternoon that Paula Bennett must be NZ’s answer to Sarah Palin, but any wisp of comedic potential the notion might have really doesn’t make me feel any better at all about such a grievous abuse of ministerial privilege.
My son looking at her on Close Up tonight announced she was wearing a set of curtains
Well, it worked for Julie Andrews…
I’d been thinking all afternoon that Paula Bennett must be NZ’s answer to Sarah Palin
I can see your income from my PC.
It’s a bit like climbing the social ladder – only to pull it up after reaching the top and pouring oil on the walls. And then telling those still down below, “You can climb up with your bare hands if you practice hard enough!”
Paula Bennett is Ceiling Cat.
Could Robyn Malcolm do a Tina Fey?
Bennett is indignant at the suggestions she is allergic to heavy reports. “It’s just ridiculous – there is absolutely no truth in it whatsoever,” she says, rifling through a few reports on her desk.
“You need the information to make the big decisions at the end of the day. Here’s one on the redundancy support package, you don’t do that in a page with your frick-in’ diagrams. It’s a 16-page document!” Here’s another 15-page report, her weekly briefing from the ministry, and a 22-page report on universities.
That many pages; I guess she won’t be following the copyright thread.
53 whole pages? Well, colour me impressed.
Paula Bennett is Ceiling Cat.
Not many people will understand that, but those who do will think it a very fine joke indeed.
Paula Bennett is Ceiling Cat.
Not many people will understand that…
I used Google to find out, but my excuse is I don’t have a fleet of ministerial advisers to research important stuff for me.
(and yeah, ceiling cat, LOL).
Paula Bennett is Ceiling Cat.
I can has DPBzburger
From the Herald article, Ms Bennett says:
“They’re already getting a huge amount of support from the Government.
Bullshit. Is everyone aware that the government keeps child support payments, made by the liable, non-custodial parent that are supposedly for the children? In effect, the cost of the DPB is offset by the govt hanging onto child support monies. bear in mind the rate is around 24% of income in liable payments for two children.
When WFF was brought in, the base rate of DPB was cut by $20 per week – a move masked by the rise paid out to everybody on Family Support. This cut put DPB recipients on the same rate as Unemployment Benefit. No monetary reward for bringing up kids by yourself – your work counts for nothing. As for mother-child bonding – what an outmoded concept*, when professional child care is available.
Make no mistake – they’re going to can the DPB. Removing TIA for study that might actually result in a step up the social ladder sends the unmistakable message to women that if they’re not in a marriage-type relationship, they are the lowest form of life. Fit only for low-paid service work. As for motherhood – ha! Just a little glitch on the superhighway of proper work.
Half of all kiwi women will be solo parents at some time in their lives. This doesn’t affect only a few. All those women gutsy enough to escape shithouse relationships have just been given a message – you don’t matter.
She is our very own Sarah Palin.
I was wondering if in fact Paula Bennett and Christine Rankin were one and the same alien shapeshifter, but this is better.
In reply to John Campbell’s questioning tonight about her own use of the TIA to get a degree in the 1990s, she replied that it was much harder then, she had to start her own university creche.
John Key was, as expected, sticking up for her in the media today.
But I hope – probably naively I know – that he was backing her in public, but actually putting a flea in her ear privately, telling her to stop making a fool of herself (even more…).
My son looking at her on Close Up tonight announced she was wearing a set of curtains
I look forward to reading your’s sons teacher reports and medical records in the Herald tomorrow. It will “round out his story”
In reply to John Campbell’s questioning tonight about her own use of the TIA to get a degree in the 1990s, she replied that it was much harder then, she had to start her own university creche.
This is what really annoyed me about her Close Up interview. She basically sidestepped most questions by giving an answer that bore little relation to the question. I suppose it’s what politicians do I guess.
This whole episode and the recent budget just reinforce for me the contempt this government is showing for public education. If you’re an independent school here’s loads of dosh. If you want to better yourself with nightclasses or study as a solo parent/adult lets’ take the money away. And it’s going to get worse as they set their sights on the staffing budget of public schools as signalled in the budget. -
This whole episode and the recent budget just reinforce for me the contempt this government is showing for public education.
Apparently in reply to a question in parliament today the Minister of Education opened up the whole education system to potential privatisation.
With any luck, some lawyers willing to work for free will be in touch with these women, since things look bleak for the minister.
And of course, since this is something that is open in law to compensation, they could getting their funding after all – just from an entirely unexpected source.
Apparently in reply to a question in parliament today the Minister of Education opened up the whole education system to potential privatisation.
Fucking wonderful. 9 years of relative peace in the education sector allowing us to teach and now as I work towards retirement it all turns to shit.
On another note-I wonder if westy Bennett got tickets for AC/DC today??? -
What Uni did Paula go to? Our kids went to the most excellent one at Otago run by the Students Association from ‘87. What’s the betting there was one, but is was not deemed ’suitable’ by La Bennett who went freelance?
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