Island Life: The resignation of Captain Worth
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Cue “government is now Worth-less” jokes.
I feel bound to note that the Swedish historians also observed:
The history book on the shelf
Is always repeating itselfPS: Ian Dalziel called. He wants his schtick back.
Criminal matter? Ouchy…
And particularly necessary for full disclosure in that case. Hiding a criminal case against a Minister behind “personal matters” is really not up to scratch…
National MP Richard Worth quit as a minister because of a criminal matter, Prime Minister John Key confirmed this morning, saying if he had not resigned he would have been sacked.
DPF is understandably upset that they tried to fudge it.
Criminal matter? Hasn’t he also been called as a witness in the Glucina/Saunder stoush? What on earth is going on?
One would think that a member of the Auckland elite would be free from the taint of criminality and scandal… Oh… hang on…
What’s a DCM and when did Worth get one?
Criminal matter? Hasn’t he also been called as a witness in the Glucina/Saunder stoush?
What’s a DCM and when did Worth get one?
According to Wiki he’s an Officer of the British Empire for services to NZ. Looks like it might have been from his naval career?
And yes, Wiki already has the 2009 criminal investigation matter.
Mind you, it’ll probably be threatening to slap a parking warden with his ministerial warrant or something.
We NEVER have juicy scandals in N.Z.
What’s a DCM and when did Worth get one?
Don’t Come Monday.
It’s an honour the smiling assassin has reputedly bestowed quite often, although in this case, it would appear he didn’t actually have to pull out the ceremonial sword.
What is the maximum penalty for personal matters?
Will David Garrett be demanding harsher counselling? Three sessions and you’re out?
What is the maximum penalty for personal matters?
About 6 months of media speculation & a gig on next year’s Dancing with the Stars.
April 16 post on Yahoo/Xtra message boards …
The Herald is speculating that has something to do with a complaint over his actions after the assault on Jarnil Sandhu…
That police statement in full:
An allegation has been made against a sitting member of Parliament. Wellington police are conducting a preliminary investigation into this matter.
Is Mr Worth a List or Elected member?
He’s List
List. Next in line is (I think) Cam Calder.
So. Farewell Then
That police statement in full:
Sure is Private Eye in here. I’m tempted to post right up to page 94 just for the hell of it.
Rhymes with Shtick…
indeed, things go from wretched to worth…sadly it seems the ex-Infernal Affairs Minister
(and hopefully soon ex-Member of Parliament)
has merely reverted to his diminutive – DICK…The history book on the shelf
Is always repeating itselfI suspect that as Minister for the National Library
he didn’t do much reading from history…and some Famous Last Words fom his website: Dr Dick
We must all be relentlessly ambitious for New Zealand.
Richard Worth MPI’m guessing the “for New Zealand” is window dressing
DCM - Disquieting Cabinet Minister ?
or even Duplicitous Company Manager ?Power Dressing-down dept
meanwhile, team, let’s not buy Line 7 clothes eitheryrs
Animal FarmWhere pigs eat swedes…
The Kiwiblog thread is hilarious. Underneath a post in which yer actual DPF lashes Key for being way too cute and un-transparent, they’ve now convinced themselves that he is a model of openness and transparency, not like that evil bitch Klark, etc, etc …
Are there any signs of Minister/s trying to use this as a “dump day”? Or has someone learnt from the stupidity of Jo Moore on 9/11?
I find those Kiwiblog threads fascinating in the same way I found the most recent Section 59 stuff from chuck bird and co fascinating.
It is a window into their mindset, a carefully constructed world of mutually supporting prejudices that cannot countenance the intrusion of any reality for fear that the removal of just one prop in the web of self-deceit will bring their whole world view crashing down.
From Colin Espiner’s blog:
UPDATE: Well, I’ve just returned from a quite extraordinary press conference with John Key.
It took a long time to get any details at all. But it transpires that Key’s office was contacted last week by a third party with some information about Worth that relates to a criminal matter. Worth had not told the PM about this matter. The PM confronted Worth, a discussion ensued, and ended with Worth tendering his resignation. Key told us: “If he hadn’t resigned I would have sacked him.’’
Key told us it was a criminal matter, although Worth hasn’t been charged with anything. The police have just released a very short statement saying they are investigating a complaint against a sitting member of Parliament. They do not even name Worth, though the PM has confirmed it is Worth.
What it is Worth is alleged to have done we do not know. However, the PM has said it has nothing to do with Worth’s business dealings, or the trip to India. We asked him if the complainant was a woman, or whether it related to any sexual matter, and Key replied: “I am not at liberty to say.’’
This doesn’t seem to me to be a very sustainable position. Already the internet is full of rumours relating to this police complaint, some of them pretty ugly. I cannot believe neither Worth nor Key wishes to clear this up before it gets out of hand.
Clearly, whatever the allegation is, Key no longer wants him in his administration – regardless of whether or not he is guilty. “I have lost confidence in him for a number of reasons,’’ Key told us. He would not say what they were. He also indicated he was unsure whether Worth should even remain an MP.
Given Worth is – or was, until last night, a minister of the Crown pulling $200K-plus, the public deserves a full explanation in my opinion.
Obviously this is a very sensitive matter, but Key has no reason to protect Worth. I’m also surprised the police have been so unforthcoming.
And then there’s Key’s quote in the Herald:
“His conduct does not befit a minister. I will not have him in my Cabinet. I have lost confidence in him as a minister.”
That sounds pretty serious – and it makes the initial attempt at a coverup look even worse.
Question Time will be fun today, and there should be an urgent debate on the matter as well.
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