OnPoint: Budget 2011: Radioactive Space Donut
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You are right, it is very slow in Firefox.
Nice to see it in visual terms but looks very dark for me – black on olive green not that readable.
Firefox crashed.
Seems Ok on Firefox 4 on Mac so far. It’s pretty damn awesome by the way..
He claimed the investment would be paid back within a year, and would eventually save the Government $5.74 for every $1 invested.
Where do I buy shares?
Sacha, in reply to
Firefox crashed
not mine
Simon Poole, in reply to
Mine didn’t crash either; but it is crawling. Black/Olive green here too.
Firefox 4 on XP.
not mine
Not for the first time, I must admit. :)
’Spose I’d better upgrade to 4.
The iMac (10.6.7) has no troubles with it – and I rather like the dark & sombre look…and the angry reds-
recordari, in reply to
’Spose I’d better upgrade to 4.
Warning: Open in new Tab has moved to 1st position on right click list in FF 4. In my experience, it will initially drive you to distraction.
At least until you download the menu editor and change it back that is.
James Butler, in reply to
Warning: Open in new Tab has moved to 1st position on right click list in FF 4. In my experience, it will initially drive you to distraction.
Who still opens a link in a new tab any other way than middle-click?
Dear People: Chrome is superfast. Kicks the pants off Firefox 4.
There’s a middle click?
recordari, in reply to
Who still opens a link in a new tab any other way than middle-click?
Middle what? It’s what you’re used to I suppose. And my mice have no middle. In fact my Macbook have no mice. (Plural effusion)
ETA: Snap.
Andrew E, in reply to
Dear People: Chrome is superfast. Kicks the pants off Firefox 4
Dear Keith: Chrome sends lots of lovely usage data to Google, so isn’t very privacy friendly.
Plus, some people working in buildings not too far from Parliament might be stuck on IE8 and, heaven help them, XP, although not from choice.
Works fast and well in Opera.
James Butler, in reply to
Middle what? It’s what you’re used to I suppose. And my mice have no middle. In fact my Macbook have no mice. (Plural effusion)
I’m sure either squiggle-click or compost-click does the same thing (as does control-click on pleb computers).
Islander, in reply to
+1 re Chrome…
Plus, some people working in buildings not too far from Parliament might be stuck on IE8 and, heaven help them, XP, although not from choice.
You poor saps can view the IE compatible one I made: http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/budget-2011/budget-multimedia.
To be honest, I made this one only because I was sick of having to make shit work in IE. The fix invariably involves disabling AWESOME.
The $23b supposedly spent on transport in 2009 doesn’t seem quite right.
Nice to see it in visual terms but looks very dark for me – black on olive green not that readable.
Try it again in a dark room. If that doesn’t work, try it in a dark room while taking drugs that make your eyes more sensitive to light.
The $23b supposedly spent on transport in 2009 doesn’t seem quite right.
Yeah, kinda jumps out at you. Not sure what it is, but it’s in the Budget expenditure data.
James Butler, in reply to
Dear People: Chrome is superfast. Kicks the pants off Firefox 4.
I have to concur – I have reluctantly moved to Chrome despite my geek misgivings about privacy and its development model, and I don’t regret it. Having already moved from FreeBSD to Linux helped, though – Firefox for all its flaws is still the only full-featured browser which builds on the niche platforms.
(Yes, I’m calling Linux mainstream #hipstergeek)
Sacha, in reply to
I rather like the dark & sombre look…and the angry reds
Some text contrast would help, but
Sacha, in reply to
taking drugs that make your eyes more sensitive to light
Knew I was missing an ingredient (off to the other thread for tips)
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