Random Play: The wheels of progress
6 Responses
Should this post be under the section "Randonneur Play"?
Ok that made me giggle. Very cleverly tying in a few threads there - and a nicely placed reminder that Aucklanders are people too ;)
Lock up your daughters!
Oh we may laugh now...
Once these freewheelin pump action pedal-philes start streaming through these newly-enlightened suburbs, their spare chains draped bandolier style across their sweating, oily shoulders... sleeping rough in cemeteries and despoiling our catchments and reservoirs... and how do we tax them? no petrol, no tolls, no hubodometers - perhaps a small levy on meat pies?
Their motto "sit on it and rotate" (your feet) says it all - (though it probably looks very snappy in Latin!) it is not too late to construct a route that goes down hill from Kelburn with a ramp that drops them straight into the harbour to be used as a new reef and eventually reclaimed land for more retail space.yrs Oscar Wild One
Must be a multi-lane cycle tunnel under the Ngaio and Wilton part of the route then to save the enclaves of state houses. I expect the tunnel emerges in the middle of Karori cemetery?
gave me a big smile at the end of a looong dayalso
Ian Dalziel
love your work
I have noticed your commenting just lately (taking into account your membership since Dec 2006) and enjoy your wordcraft
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