Posts by JLM

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  • Hard News: Radio NZ: Sailing on in…,

    Simon Mercep has a similar style to Geoff Robinson, though he hasn't developed the same ambience. I had the feeling they picked him to groom for Geoff's inevitable departure, when a younger, sharper sidekick would join. Shame it happened in election year, though.

    I don't listen to MR as religiously as I used to, but I had the impresion that Key was on quite frequently since Sean went - or is it just that there have been a few Big Events happening lately?

    Judy Martin's southern sl… • Since Apr 2007 • 241 posts Report

  • Hard News: A Century Since, in reply to linger,

    “Not I” is therefore “some child” born at a later time;
    indeed, perhaps born in some future,
    unimaginable at the time of narration,
    “marvellous year”.

    I sent this link to my daughter, a Curnow fan, addressing her as "my child born in a marvellous year" which tickled her greatly.

    Judy Martin's southern sl… • Since Apr 2007 • 241 posts Report

  • Hard News: Christchurch: Square Two,

    I just went to the geonet recent earthquakes page and the 2:20 quake wasn't even on it. There have been at least 30 quakes since then. Bloody hell!

    I feel bad for being excited that I actually felt this one down near Dunedin, when the February quake passed me by.

    Judy Martin's southern sl… • Since Apr 2007 • 241 posts Report

  • Hard News: Three months after, in reply to Lilith __,

    I was thinking last night that Chch is like an alcoholic spouse who keeps promising to go straight. I don’t want to give up on it, but I’m losing faith.

    I wish I could "like" this. I suppose there is the consolation of knowing that long term, it's as likely as any other town in nz to be straight and sober.

    Judy Martin's southern sl… • Since Apr 2007 • 241 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Voting Referendum: Jus' Sayin',

    Good article here about the people who will spread disinformation to try and defeat MMP at the referendum.

    Judy Martin's southern sl… • Since Apr 2007 • 241 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Political Lie, in reply to Deborah,

    @ Linger – Honour, glory and admiration all yours! Middlemarch is full of pithy observations like this one. It has stuck in my mind ever since I first read it. And yes, JLM – Mary Garth – everyone’s favourite.

    True, I had a hostel-mate while we were studying it who claimed that she really identified with MG, which caused the rest of us some amusement, as we thought she was more of a Rosamund.

    My favourite MM quote is the description of Mr Brooke as being of "miscellaneous opinions, acquiescent temper, and uncertain vote". (Along with the squirrel's heartbeat, etc)

    Judy Martin's southern sl… • Since Apr 2007 • 241 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Political Lie, in reply to linger,

    Of course, Mary Garth. I knew it sounded familiar.

    Judy Martin's southern sl… • Since Apr 2007 • 241 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some Lines for Labour, in reply to B Jones,

    True, not that I think that snippet of GP policy does that.

    Like James, I'm a member, and I'm thinking of putting up a workshop at the next policy conference with the proposition that "evidence-based policy" becomes a fifth principle. That should generate a good discussion!

    I see Tim Watkin is mulling over similar themes at Pundit. It would be interesting to have a reality-based scale for all the political parties.

    Judy Martin's southern sl… • Since Apr 2007 • 241 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some Lines for Labour, in reply to Bart Janssen,

    Agreed Rich. Pharmac has been one of the most powerful tools for optimising the use of money in health care and screwing those folks over the way National did simply to buy votes was despicable.

    I know someone who voted National because of that policy, in tears because she was a life-long Labour voter, and yes, it was despicable.

    Judy Martin's southern sl… • Since Apr 2007 • 241 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some Lines for Labour, in reply to Rich of Observationz,

    I’d suggest the view of the less-hippy Greens (and of many doctors) is that if people want to indulge in quackery and it makes them happy, they should do so.

    I've sat in on lectures and demonstrations where a much respected and strongly research based oncologist has said that to a class of medical students (without using the word quackery, and stressing how essential it is that medical staff know exactly what is being ingested/undertaken). Which makes some level of integration, if not funding, worth investigating.

    Judy Martin's southern sl… • Since Apr 2007 • 241 posts Report

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