Posts by JLM

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  • Hard News: Asking for a Contribution,

    That was easy. Does that mean you're in thrall to us now? If so, could I demand a running nz politics thread for us political tragics, so we don't have to keep trawling the net in vain for informed reactions to the daily rollercoaster.

    Mm, a few mixed metaphors in there...

    Judy Martin's southern sl… • Since Apr 2007 • 241 posts Report

  • Hard News: For the kids, if nothing else, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    *speaking of rotters I hope you all heard David Haywood talking serious shit on National Radio’s 9 to Noon today…

    Just listened. Priceless.

    Judy Martin's southern sl… • Since Apr 2007 • 241 posts Report

  • Up Front: Fairy-Tale Autopsies, in reply to Lucy Stewart,

    I get the feeling PAS has a solid core of a few dozen contributors who do a *lot* of the talking (i.e. thousands of posts), more who contribute reasonably often, and even more who may have only actually posted ten or twelve times in several years, but are regular readers.

    I usually glance at people's numbers at the end of their post, and am often amazed to see posters with hundreds to their name who I don't recognize - so it's a very big place, though I suppose there are heaps of threads (tech, sport) I never lurk on.

    I really just posted this to see what my count was (and to admire my new gravatar)

    Judy Martin's southern sl… • Since Apr 2007 • 241 posts Report

  • Hard News: Limping Onwards, in reply to 3410,

    Don’t forget that posting such a speech is often a great way of finding out exactly what’s wrong with it. ;)

    Yeah, that's what scares me. : )

    Judy Martin's southern sl… • Since Apr 2007 • 241 posts Report

  • Hard News: Limping Onwards, in reply to BenWilson,

    I find it extremely hard to believe that I’m unusual in this respect, and would much appreciate insights into how people handled being the outsiders in some debate in this forum.

    I lurk, and make up speeches in my head which are models of persuasive argument which I never post because they're not really.

    Judy Martin's southern sl… • Since Apr 2007 • 241 posts Report

  • Hard News: Perverse Entertainment, in reply to Robyn Gallagher,

    But seriously, where will newspapers get the stories that NZPA used to supply?

    I wondered if there would be a niche for Radio New Zealand to onsell some of its news stories. The written versions on the website always look smart and to the point. Or do they get most of them from NZPA?

    Judy Martin's southern sl… • Since Apr 2007 • 241 posts Report

  • Hard News: Limping Onwards, in reply to BenWilson,

    It was kind of interesting that I was alerted to her views by my Mum who was doing a Masters in Politics at the time. As part of a research paper, she wanted some more detail on a Chomsky article, and in desperation called MIT in Massachusetts. She was put straight through to him, and when he heard where she was calling from he mentioned that he’d just finished reading a Kelsey article, and wanted to hear about Mum’s opinions on the state of NZ politics which he then listened politely to for some minutes, after which he sent her the details she was wanting for her paper.

    What a great story! It ups my opinion of him as well, and it was already pretty high.

    Judy Martin's southern sl… • Since Apr 2007 • 241 posts Report

  • Cracker: Sydney-side,

    Now you're talking about Auckland, a plug here for the Auckland Transport Blog which is one of my favourites, despite living at the other end of the country. At least one massive, evidence-based information filled posting every single day.

    Back to Sydney, walking round the traffic-calmed streets of Surry Hills was a revelation and an inspiration. Blocking off one end of a street so you can't barrel through in your car. What a radical idea!

    Judy Martin's southern sl… • Since Apr 2007 • 241 posts Report

  • Hard News: Limping Onwards, in reply to Che Tibby,

    - ACT disappear – agreed. you can’t imagine National not being willing and able to undermine Hide in Epsom.

    I know someone who predicts that ACT will lose Epsom, but gain Tamaki. Is this possible (I’m not an Aucklander)?

    Judy Martin's southern sl… • Since Apr 2007 • 241 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Wall and the Paper, in reply to Graham Dunster,

    Is that why Oram's latest column isn't online?

    Judy Martin's southern sl… • Since Apr 2007 • 241 posts Report

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