Posts by Roger

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  • Hard News: Lucinda Williams made me cry,

    But James Brown! Come on man!

    OK... can I have a copy of the list of performers that the disabled can't attend? Just so I know.

    Hamilton • Since Jun 2007 • 179 posts Report

  • Hard News: Lucinda Williams made me cry,

    Point taken however. Perhaps you should simply buy the DVD of concerts though?

    Ah... so people who are not fully able-bodied should be excluded then? Perhaps they should just stay at home so that they do not disturb the proper people. Nice.

    If someone charges me for a 'seat' I would have thought that I would have a reasonable expectation of enjoying it. At the sametime, whenever possible public events should go to best efforts of providing for everyone's needs.

    (Though I am also jealous... I would like to be able to dance iin the mosh pit!)

    Hamilton • Since Jun 2007 • 179 posts Report

  • Hard News: Lucinda Williams made me cry,

    James Brown refused to continue playing until everyone on the upper floor of the St James was up and dancing.

    Yes, so that would have been a full refund for me then? As they say, yeah right... just a ruined night

    Hamilton • Since Jun 2007 • 179 posts Report

  • Hard News: Lucinda Williams made me cry,

    But big ups to the big bloke in the blue shirt, who rocked out up in the Circle all night

    A contrary view, (to a point)...

    When I have paid $100, $200 or $300 for a seat at a concert, I expect to be able to watch it and listen un-harassed without some selfish dickhead standing up in front of me! They can either be shown the door, or I can be given a refund.

    I have stuffed knees and I had trouble standing for a concert at 20 and so by 30 I had largely given up going to concerts that I always loved (that and smokey pubs). The advent of seated areas has allowed me to go back, and I can now enjoy music again.

    I agree to the extent that I think that ‘all-seated’ pop concerts are just dumb, and are just asking for conflicts of this type… but if you want to dance - go to the mosh pit and don’t ruin an event for people behind you who have paid good money for the ability to sit down.

    However my sympathy does wane for those with more money than sense who want seats on the flat at the front of the stage… that is just silly.

    But the circle is not for dancing EVER.

    Hamilton • Since Jun 2007 • 179 posts Report

  • Hard News: Of Monsters and Old Boys,

    And hey... have a great 'social'. Shame that I can't make it!

    Hamilton • Since Jun 2007 • 179 posts Report

  • Hard News: Of Monsters and Old Boys,

    I don't believe that the decile-10 schools actually provide a better education or have better teachers.

    You are right - there is no causal link between the decile rating and the educational or teacher standards. The systrem measures the average incomes of families in the school zone (or attending the school).

    In some cases there may appear to be a link as as a really gross generalisation richer families tend to be more focused on achievement and learning support.

    Hamilton • Since Jun 2007 • 179 posts Report

  • Discussion: Regarding Auckland,

    Is that a good thing?

    Hamilton • Since Jun 2007 • 179 posts Report

  • Discussion: Regarding Auckland,

    There is a potentially apocryphal story that when Minister Cooper was chopping up the ARC in 1991 he was challenged that the continuous restructuring of Auckland was hindering it from getting its act together... he is reputed to have replied... "Are you stupid? That's the point!"

    Hamilton • Since Jun 2007 • 179 posts Report

  • Hard News: Doing anything Thursday?,

    "We are grey, we stand between the darkness and the light"

    I am now just woried that I knew where that came from without looking it up. It is going to worry me all day!

    Hamilton • Since Jun 2007 • 179 posts Report

  • Discussion: Regarding Auckland,

    From the Herald 15/4/09:

    What's clear is that in the current struggle for control of Tamaki Makaurau, what's in the best interests of big business, or central government or the soon-to-be-dispossessed mayors, is not necessarily going to benefit the rest of us.

    At the risk of repeating myself, Auckland's 1.4 million people should be asking loudly, what role, if any, am I going to end up playing after the revolution occurs?

    More people should really be asking this... or do we really not care?

    Hamilton • Since Jun 2007 • 179 posts Report

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