Posts by andrew llewellyn

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  • Island Life: BP-Fuelled Rage,

    There might be a perception problem around trucks/buses etc, but that's because when you get hit by a truck your car is going to end up a big mess. That doesn't mean they're more likely to be involved in accidents, or even that they cause them, just that it makes the news.

    Doesn't this also apply to SUVs?

    Nothing at all - the objection is that SUVs make you safe in a way that endangers others unnecessarily. Endangers others, in the ways that others have already pointed out here: their larger size and greater mass makes collisions more deadly and they reduce others' visibility.

    Doesn't this also apply to trucks & buses?

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: BP-Fuelled Rage,

    It's the "I want to be SAFE (and screw the consequences for you)" angle to the urban SUV that gets me

    What's wrong with wanting to be safe Stephen? Or wanting our families to be safe?

    And who do you know that has ever said "screw the consequences for you"? Outside of silly articles like the one linked to earlier, or anecdote? (If Julia Hartley Moore did then OK, I concede - I haven't read that yet.)

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: BP-Fuelled Rage,

    What's next on the list?

    Air travel. Seriously.

    Seriously, this whole SUV discussion has really been about something else.

    I suspect so.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: BP-Fuelled Rage,

    Wonder what my car my car says about me?

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: BP-Fuelled Rage,

    <quote>Professional drivers such as bus drivers, truck drivers, taxi drivers, courier drivers, police officers etc tend to have better safety records on the road. </quoite>

    SHow me the stats! Maybe it's just my perception that every 2nd road death seems to have involved a car/truck collision.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: BP-Fuelled Rage,

    Given the size of car I drive, the result is going to be pretty much the same whether it's an SUV or an articulated truck. And there are a lot more SUVs around.

    What about George & his bicycle Lucy, he's even smaller than your car (presumably), I think if we're going to push this argument we may as well take it right back to him - everything else on the road is a danger to him, ergo, they should get off the road.

    Oh wait, I just thought about pedestrians - I think George is a danger to them - bikes should be taken off the road too.

    Be a whole lot better for the environment.

    Does anyone know where I might find some road accident stats showing what's causing them? I had a quick google, but no joy.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: BP-Fuelled Rage,

    Doesn't change the fact that aggressive driving in SUVs is inherently much more dangerous to my health than aggressive driving in small cars.

    Doesn't change the fact that aggressive driving in articulated trucks is inherently much more dangerous to my health than aggressive driving in SUVs.

    And so it goes.

    Note that I'm not advocating banning SUVs - they definitely have their uses. I'm advocating people ceasing to use them as a status symbol in the inner city.

    I wouldn't mind if SUVs (all cars actually) were banned from the city.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: BP-Fuelled Rage,

    Mine was basically powered by a the equivalent of a works rally engine.

    A father of a mate of mine worked at Ford, and my mate was able to borrow an escort sport that sounds just like this one, for ski trips (a small fleet would head north, of which the Escort was far & away the most imprewssive vehicle - the rest were Hillman Imps, Triumph Heralds & Hillman Super Minxes).

    My goodness that car could "go". How his father would have blanched at the treatment he gave it.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: BP-Fuelled Rage,

    How about treat the disease, not the symptoms?

    Keep people off the road?

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: BP-Fuelled Rage,

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

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