Posts by andrew llewellyn

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  • Island Life: BP-Fuelled Rage,

    At 1/18th scale

    Well I'll be... OK, here's me & the car salesman looking over my next car earlier today.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: BP-Fuelled Rage,

    Sheesh. I'm tempted to order a Hummer.

    I lie actually, when the SUV dies, I'll swap it for one of these.

    If I need to move livestock in future, I'll get a roofrack.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: BP-Fuelled Rage,

    Minivans are favored by senior citizens and others (male and female, equally) who volunteer for their churches and carpool with other people's kids. But that's the problem. SUV owners buy them precisely because they don't want the "soccer mom" stigma associated with minivans.

    I've gotta be honest & say I think this article is just so much generalising bullshit.

    Saintly, volunteering minivan drivers vs satanic SUV soccer moms.

    Sheesh. I'm tempted to order a Hummer.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: BP-Fuelled Rage,

    If I wanted to travel 100 kilometres in one hour, I couldn't do that on a bike either. Especially not with two kids, a load of groceries, firewood, and couple of sheep in behind.

    The point I'm idly skirting around is that there are more reasons for owning a particular type of car than the prestige of driving the kids 100 yards to school in style, even dirty old SUVs, which cause me less stress on the open highway than being sandwiched in the middle of a line of articulated trucks who tailgate & bully everyhting else in their path.

    If we could clear any class of vehicle off the roads, I'd start with the trucks - surely railfreight is more efficient anyway?

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: BP-Fuelled Rage,

    Can any of the pro-SUV persuasion explain to me why we should allow such an inherently dangerous vehicle on our roads ?

    The article linked mentions "a behemoth like the four-ton Chevy Tahoe".

    Holy hell, 4 tons? WHat does a typical SUV in NZ weigh?

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: BP-Fuelled Rage,

    and don't tell my girlfriend's wee hatchback. It'll get delusions of grandeur.

    actually, I did move wood & at least one sheep in a mazda presso hatchback once.

    I used to bike EVERYWHERE, but I consider it too dangerous to bike around Wellington anymore. And to temper my gas guzzling SUV habits, I will disclose that I live in central wellington during the week & walk everywhere. The car gets used in the weekends, for moving dogs, family, wood & the occasional sheep over long distances.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: BP-Fuelled Rage,

    A good cargo bike will carry two children and a load of groceries in style!

    Good luck getting ariound Mt Victoria with them.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: BP-Fuelled Rage,

    Too try-hard, he thought.

    This is almost embarrassing to mention - we have a removable tow bar.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: BP-Fuelled Rage,

    Lets all consider the alternative. It's pretty good. And the fuel costs are zero.

    Not so great for moving a load of firewood &/or a couple of sheep.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Island Life: BP-Fuelled Rage,

    Who cares what it's purpose is, it looks cool parked out the front

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

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