Posts by Sam F
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Like a record, natch.
I'm not claiming any coup of predictive powers - it was Russell who accurately detected the death spiral beginning; I just used in-thread evidence to make an educated guess. What amuses me most is being accused of trying to derail the thread with pointless discussion, and one page later seeing a giant post dedicated to the diversion in question.
Anyway I have no industry experience to support my opinions on this topic, even if anyone cared. I did buy an olde-fashioned CD today though, so do I get a spectators' pass for the next five months too?
There were 22 participants at the meeting, plus six Labour members and staffer (who was apparently taking minutes, but they haven't shown up yet). It appears that a few others who were invited did not show, as there were some unclaimed name stickers. I don't know how many were invited in total. Anyone claiming 42 participants is either lying or completely unable to count.
thanks mark, it was like pulling teeth to get a straight answer but you came through in the end.
of sorts
maybe it felt like 40 plus from his position
This is pretty much what I saw coming.
Pecs out for the girls?
Thread's comma cropper.
It *sounds* very reasonable - it's just that the pattern of the rest of the thread led me to wonder if any number of names Don came up with would sway your opinion. After all, for all their talk at the meeting they might well just be false-flag novelty lossleading marketers like those Radiohead chaps, innit?
But I'm being naughty here in not assuming good faith, and I look forward to Don's return and hopefully being proven wrong by the resulting conversation.
Ah, but the argument then would be that it would obviously further depress kiwifruit prices if the product was available free to some people, so the fruit needs to be taken permanently out of circulation.
Very simple and completely insane.
I'd end by wishing you both the best but I wouldn't want people to actually mistake this stupid, point-scoring diversion (one of many at that) for serious productive debate on copyright issues.
Just realised that this could also refer to my own post; this is just to tick the self-reflexive box for all you postmodernists out there. Absurdists are already well catered for in this thread.
Ant said it felt heavily stacked. Don said that wasn't the case (that ant was a liar) fine, lets have the numbers don, lets have your estimate, or mark, or anyone who was there,
Can't bring yourself to do it cos it invalidates your claim that these meetings are a good environment for copyright debate? if not just plonk those numbers down. Spit em out, you'll feel better.Who were they o we can respect their wisdom from their worldy experience? ... playing a guitar in your bedroom doesn't instantly make you a professional musician who can speak with authority on how weakened copyright and its poor implementation impacts on your career. lets hear who these people are so we can respect their views.
Hi, hyena #2 (understudy) here.
I think the death spiral thing is very apt for this particular line (eddy?) of the great copyright argument.
Once Don has somehow remembered and provided an estimate headcount of both sides that you'll accept as accurate, he'll then have the fun of picking over, with you, each attendee he names, so as to determine their industry "stake" and thus their entitlement to be listened to on copyright matters.
I'd end by wishing you both the best but I wouldn't want people to actually mistake this stupid, point-scoring diversion (one of many at that) for serious productive debate on copyright issues. Ciao!
Gah - serve me right for not even following to the first line of the xkcd link, where I would have found that /r9k/ actually came from there. Disregard my witterings above.
That xkcd bot experiment reminds me of ROBOT 9000, which was a sub-board of 4chan with pretty much the same parameters - anyone posting a phrase or image previously posted was blocked from posting for a few minutes, as opposed to regular 4chan boards where every post is famously a repost of a repost repost.
Moaning from regulars about repetitive unoriginal content began the experiment, and R9K is quite popular, but only in the sense that it's a particular version of the 4chan game rather than The Way Things Should Be. The regular boards are still doing much better, which just goes to show.
Anyhow, carry on.