Posts by Sam F
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I can handle a little uncanny valley. It's splatter/torture stuff that I hate; I have seen none of the Saw or Hostel films, and don't plan to, ever. Imagination is already overactive and I'm not feeding it that kind of stuff - just don't need it.
Sam, I would like to buy the rights to that phrase as a variant title for my biopic.
I'm pretty sure any phrase that's been made into an image macro is in the public domain, so knock yourself out.
Hurm. Anyone got a leftover S92 placard then? Or shall I just turn out the lights upon arrival?
Eh, I don't know. Anyone who grabbed me like that all of a sudden without my say-so* would likely get a swift kick in the shins, but I'm happy enough to accept that Jackie actually wouldn't do such a thing now and leave it at that.
I have done my very best not to mention turning the other cheek here. Not quite, eh?
*There is a tiny tiny chance that this might be applied retroactively, but if not you'll very likely be tending two sore shins on your own, is what I'm saying.
You'll know Sam by his robe and wizard hat.
This is so people can recognise me from the copyright thread as a high-level Master of the Obvious.
Whaleoil's actually registered here, so there's the delightful possibility that he'll attend as himself.
Feltex Award?
The past is a different country, for sure.
Points taken; thank you, chaps. I'll step back a bit now, but reserve the right to poke borax at the sillier bits from time to time, once normal (heh) service resumes.
Oh, Sam. I might like to look at lovely mens' bodies but I do not like being called a girl. Girlhood was a very long time ago.
That was just meant as a wordplay on the stereotypical sports-yob yell of 'tits out for the boys', so I wasn't referring directly to you or anyone else in particular with that post. No offense meant and I hope none permanently taken?
What amuses me most is being accused of trying to derail the thread with pointless discussion
Who said that?
come on sam F.
you're better than that.
your derailing a convo over perceived numbers....
Although "perceived numbers" might not automatically equate to "pointless discussion", given the length of your subsequent post, in which case I guess OH GOD THE DOOMSPIRAL