Posts by Steve Parks

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  • Field Theory: Sing when you're winning,

    Come over to the flannelled side, Hadyn. Resistance is futile.

    He'll be white with us.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Sing when you're winning,

    it's the inconsistency. You just can't count on the buggers for anything! Except heartbreak.

    You can count on them for the inconsistency. You can avoid the heartache just by steadfastly maintaining low expections, like when watching the NZ league team play Ausie; you never expect them to win, but it's awesome when they do.

    When watching NZ play cricket, go in with low expectations and you just might be pleasently surprised. Like watching a Steven Spielberg film.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Sing when you're winning,

    My brother was on a plane back from Brisbane a few days ago, and sitting next to a women's sports team returning home. He struck up a conversation with one of them and she showed him the trophy they had won.

    It was the Women's Rugby League World Cup, which we also won by beating the Ausie's (the Jillaroos) in the final.

    So there you go.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: History is now,

    Going waaay back (in terms of time and pages) to something James brought up back on page 40:

    And to boot to this day Ayers is not just unapologetic, he thinks he didn't do enough.

    That sparked a brief period of discussion on the Bill Ayers/Obama matter.

    This interview on NPR (a kind of US National Radio) is interesting. It’s a post US election interview, and, among other things, gives Ayers the chance to explain the sense in which “he thinks he didn’t do enough”. (Hint: he doesn’t mean he wishes he’d set more bombs.)

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some cool stuff so you won't…,

    I miss Russell already.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Field Theory: On Averages,

    Sorry, this is WAY off topic, but I wonder what y'all think of this...

    It's all white here

    The Dunedin City Council and the Otago Cricket Association say the concept mirrors "black-outs" created during the All Blacks' games in the city.

    Huh? I thought the "black outs" related to the All Blacks name, and the fact they wear black as opposed to the opposition. How does it apply where all sides wear white in test cricket?

    I don't get it. I mean, I get the pun. But otherwise, I don't see what the relevance is. Maybe I just haven't had enough coffee this morning. Enough white coffee, anyway.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: Prospects,

    And as a sidebar -- props to Maori, who proved yet again that sticking to the basics, and doing them well, is more satisfying than the sound and fury signifying nothing on display from both TVNZ & Three. The two main networks were the proverbial curate's egg -- good in parts.

    Oh I can believe that. I was almost going to watch Maori TV's coverage. As I've said 400 times now, I actually mostly watched the India/Australia test.

    (By the way India have won Gavaskar/Border trophy - yay!)

    When I did watch the election coverage, it was One or 3, here & there, just out of habit. But even just the promo for the Maori election coverage seemed somehow more... sober.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: Prospects,

    I also think the Hilary guest post would be a good idea. I vaguely remember her saying something a couple of weeks back about having a lot more to say about that subject.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: Congratulations, Mr Key,

    There will be blood -


    I fancy words have already been said: Hide was far less cocky on Morning Report today, and Bill English just now described Act as "a small party that hasn't been in government before" in an amusingly patronising fashion.

    I think Hyde tried to drink John Key's milkshake. But Key broke Hyde's straw.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: Prospects,

    I doubt that many pragmatists in the sense I use would have heard about the philosophy, nor would they care to.

    Sure, and I know what you meant. But it was a good way to lead into my point about your views and Pragmatism seeming fairly congruent. "I do not hold fast to any particular truth" sounds Pragmatic, with a capital 'P'.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

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