Posts by Sam F
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Hey look, with superb timing, aversion therapy for the both of us tonight at 8:30pm!
Hmm. What would number 6 actually involve? What was the issue there?
Ah yes - I remember delivering the Harbour News in Point Chevalier and dreading one particular address which was home to an energetic, territorial, and terrifying Alsatian (also ex-police, as it turned out). The owner was a friend of my dad's as it turned out and a lovely man, but 10-year-old me never quite trusted the dog regardless.
too afraid to point it out in public...
Rightly so too, you could have someone's eye out. Oho.
The miracle of the human condition: we spend a hundred years perfecting aircraft that make it safer to fly to Los Angeles than to walk across your own street - and then, for fun, we start jumping out of them with bits of cord and canvas.
That rag is so not worth the price (any price - the adverts should ensure that it could be delivered free)
Of course, most days the Herald actually is available free on the street in Auckland, thanks to wraparound advertising sheets. I do wonder if they could do this for home delivery too, as you say - being able to target the wraparound sheets for their subscriber base could earn them even more ad revenue.
We need the govt to set up a program where students who miss out can get solicited too. Some sort of public-private partnership, I suppose.
I am shocked by the idea that you would expose children to trained solicitors. Have you no sense of decency?
I should add that I'm in agreement with Hide about S92A, but find it perverse that ACT are nailing their Liberal Party colours to this issue given what their representatives have lately said in public.
Sorry to bring the corrections up again - but this from the party that calls for us to get over our "hangups" about prison rape and 20-year disparities in sentencing for comparable offences?
Will Mace wrote:
I think it's fantastic that I have no idea what generation i'm supposed to be in, apart from the perennial whine that we are the "lazy" generation which is easy to ignore (perhaps because i'm lazy).
As someone who left secondary a year later than you, I can heartily second this. Gen Y (the closest fit for me, from what I've read) seems to be defined as being either "after X" or by consumption of electronic media. The first is meaningless to me, and despite my persistent presence here I don't actually define myself in any sense by IT or gadgetry - the defining media that I identify with has been and still is print.
Although the more I think about it I wonder whether the e-age has quietly rebuilt my brain anyhow, in terms of habituating me to constant access to information and discussion - for instance, I used to hear music when I was younger, and missing the name and title I would lose the song's source for a decade - then upon the arrival of the Internet and searchability in my life all of these half-remembered things suddenly came to life in charming (or terrifying) detail. Maybe I'm less electronic in outlook than post-print - with an electronic overlay doing novel and unexpected things to the world of printed words I grew up in.
I've digressed a long way here, which in a bizarre way makes another point - it's usually not that instructive to try and work out how generation labels might apply to you. Better to take a look at those who try to push the labels upon you, and why. Which I haven't done here, more through the 'flu than laziness (I think)...