Posts by Sam F
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Not particularly recurring, but it's happened a few times. To be honest, I've had about as many accidents while taking evasive action to avoid being hit. You get used to it after a while.
I've been lucky when riding personally, but my dad on the other handhas had more than his share of car versus bike accidents. Just plain ol' falling off (evasive or otherwise) is almost a non-event for him now.
Vice Admiral, as is traditional for dangers to shipping.
Well played!
Good, thanks. I ran out of rotten fruit to throw earlier, but I've pilfered some substandard cheese from another thread and am now quite cosy.
Peter: I'm sure a cycleway to the standard you describe would be a real drawcard, but I don't have much confidence that the actual end result will be anything other than a patchwork like our current cycle 'networks', with a few showpiece stretches. I really am desperate to be proven wrong on this.
Was he interviewing himself? Hard to tell really.
You'd have to laugh at McVicar's ineptitude in trying to dress his rant up as a print-ready news story, if only he didn't have such general success with the media anyway.
The Sensible Sentencing Trust is strictly a non-political organisation
“Whacky lefties”
disenchanted Labour supporters
need to accept that the public have had enough of their soft on crime policies
... Oh.
Seems vaguely analogous to people who object during inorganic collection season, to people sifting through the stuff and taking things, which seems to me to be the ultimate form of recycling.
The more I read about e-waste the more I'm inclined to agree with you. In particular, old CRT screens out for the inorganic are fragile environmental time-bombs (up to 4 kilograms of lead in the big ones, f'rinstance) and since there's no realistic market for them secondhand anymore, it's not so bad if some junk-trekker finds a good one and rehabilitates it, after leaving it to dry out and having it safety-checked of course.
Of course, there's eDay if you want to dump stuff like this for free AND responsibly, but that being in November and people being impatient, I predict a ton of old screens will still be on Auckland's kerbs again this year.
Your problem starts when your child smokes his first skunk.
Meanwhile, +1 for the Guardian's page impressions from me, one little step closer to more of the same...
And Sam F - hilarious-if-it-wasn't-so-depressing huh. WACKENHUT? Is the new private ACC provider called Deniaclaim?
I feel quite bad about this nasty little gag now. As Alexander Pope once commented, "He who would make a pun would pick a pocket, and would then wind up in a prison run by underpaid vindictive employees of an uncaring security company."
I was afraid there was a blackly terrible pun hiding in there, and I wasn't wrong.
Mark: yes, I'm aware of the long standing of guangxi , and of its importance in day-to-day life in China. I think referring to it as an alternate means of redress in a non-democratic system (alongside the ancient palace memorial) is probably stretching things a bit far, since guangxi fairly obviously depends on the connections you've got and can afford to maintain.
Not much of a show for the powerless there. Again, we're hardly innocent in terms of a voice for the disempowered here either, but surely few people would regard having a mate in high places as an acceptable substitute for government accountability.
And I'm not about forcing democratic ideas as understood here on China - I know enough about the country not to be that naive. Before we do that we could use to pay more attention to the malfunctions of the system we're promoting. For instance (and stop me if I've linked this before), whilst foreign reporters sigh when the Chinese refuse to give information, elsewhere in the rest of the democratic world reporters increasingly aren't even asking for the facts they're entitled to.