Posts by noizyboy

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  • Island Life: An appetite for scandal,

    The Edge, a radio station which I have no love for, absolutely sky-rocket in my good books with this little stunt at the expense of the gnome...

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 171 posts Report

  • Island Life: An appetite for scandal,

    Does anyone remember the rage for hyperventilating (on purpose) until passing out at intermediate age?

    Ooohhh yeah. Likewise the spinning around and around thing.

    I'll raise you one, though...

    At the age of 12, having heard many references and american movie clips proclaiming the powers of 'grass', I decided to roll up some freshly mown lawn clippings into a piece of A4 from my homework book. Despite the flames and smoke that arose upon the lighting of this magnificent creation, I managed to take a few tokes, and, naturally, spent the next few minutes coughing my lungs out.

    Put me off smoking the evil weed for ... well, a little while, anyway.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 171 posts Report

  • Southerly: Late for What?,

    Where's Noizyboy? He should totally be in on this conversation.

    I should? I suppose the wife and I did give our kids exceptionally good names.

    ...parents having to go through their school days known as Rebecca H and Chris A

    Hah! Indeed. Although, at our local primary, there's a new breed: Finn R and Finn B, Ollie G and Ollie S, Olivia X Y & Z...

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 171 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    Which came first, the chicken or the...?


    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 171 posts Report

  • Hard News: The People's Choice,

    Yes, so far as I can tell it's not possible to hotlink to any particular video, and if you try, you link will go to the wrong page altogether.

    try this

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 171 posts Report

  • Stories: Injuries,

    What??!! So we're being deceived about all this.

    Indeed. When I was reading the article, and it started to say "The left half of Bugorski's face swelled up beyond recognition..." I was thinking it's definitely Two-Face meets Radioactive Man time.

    But no. Just deafness and epilepsy. What a gyp.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 171 posts Report

  • Stories: Injuries,

    I realise this is a forum for personal stories, but I can't resist, having just read it myself, the fantastic story of Anatoli Bugorski's accident...

    As a researcher at the Institute for High Energy Physics in Protvino, Bugorski used to work with the largest Soviet particle accelerator, the Synchrotron U-70. On July 13, 1978, Bugorski was checking a malfunctioning piece of equipment when an accident occurred due to failed safety mechanisms. Bugorski was leaning over the piece of equipment when he stuck his head in the part through which the proton beam was running. Reportedly, he saw a flash "brighter than a thousand suns", but did not feel any pain. The beam measured about 2000 gray when it entered Bugorski's skull, and about 3000 gray when it exited after colliding with the inside of his head.

    Yes! He put his head into a functioning particle accelerator! Brilliant!

    The left half of Bugorski's face swelled up beyond recognition, and over the next several days started peeling off, showing the path that the proton beam (moving near the speed of light) had burned through parts of his face, his bone, and the brain tissue underneath. As it was believed that about 5 to 6 grays is enough to kill a person, Bugorski was taken to a clinic in Moscow where the doctors could observe his expected demise. However, Bugorski survived and even completed his Ph.D.. There was virtually no damage to his intellectual capacity, but the fatigue of mental work increased markedly. Bugroski completely lost hearing in the left ear and only a constant, unpleasant internal noise remained. The left half of his face was frozen, due to the destruction of nerves, and does not age. He is able to function perfectly well, save the fact that he has occasional petit mal seizures and very occasional grand mal seizures.

    Unfortunately, there was no hint of any superpowers. Which is a pity, because that's what I'd expect if I stuck my head in a particle accelerator.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 171 posts Report

  • Freak Circus (with Dancing),

    Y'all need to ask Noizyboy about the scrapbooking programme he watches & recommends on the Living Channel.

    DIY Scrapbooking.

    Pure comedy gold.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 171 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awful in more than one way,


    bittorrent search ready. nice.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 171 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awful in more than one way,

    I dunno. Remember that after Steve Irwin died, people in QLD were hacking up stingrays in revenge.

    myth, apparently. can't find the source now, but I recall reading that - after Irwin's death - a few dead stingrays were found in Queensland with their barbs removed. Apparently this is pretty common (they get sold for whatever weird medicinal purposes), and the media jumped to the conclusion that the killings were 'revenge' motivated, particularly after some Aussie marine biologist said something along the lines of "__if__ these were revenge killings, then people are pretty bloody stupid" which the media decided to interpret as "these killings were revenge motivated".

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 171 posts Report

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