Posts by Yamis

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  • Hard News: Switched on Gardener: to what…, in reply to Keir Leslie,

    "I reckon if you walked into any gardening store in NZ and asked around enough you could meet a guy that'd sell you some seedlings..."

    errr, probably not. I worked in one years ago and none of us could have helped you out. I did have one guy come up to me and ask if Tomato food would be useful for .... errr..... beat about the bush, nudge, nudge, wink, wink.... told him I had no idea.

    and any of the many garden centres I go to (and I go to many) appear to be staffed by people who would be mst unhelpful on such matters.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fact and fantasy, in reply to Rod Snowdon,

    You're right Rod (when I first saw your name I thought, it's 'Rockin' Ron Snowden of Wellington cricket radio commentary fame :).

    BUT, a couple of things worth pointing out.

    1. Germany is a country of 357,000 sq km's and 82 million people.

    2. New Zealand is a country of 268,000 sq km's and 4.4 million people.

    You can't compare them. It's absurd.

    Germany has the tax/rate money to afford massive recyling plants and education and collection programs, along with (probaby more importantly) the population density.

    NZ doesn't.

    Hell, our biggest city struggles like hell to get people from one side of it to the other let alone plastic bottles.

    I went to google earth a while ago and was looking at France. It's astonishing. It is basically 100% developed. Farms, farms, farms, cities, tiny specks of forest here and there + the alps, and then more farms, and cities, farms, cities, towns, towns, farms, cities....farms.... and that's it.

    NZ is like the wild west by comparison.

    However, our pollution into our water ways is nothing short of a disgrace. Farmers will shit in it as long as they possibly can. I've been to many and the majority don't care about polluting it because it involves time, effort and some money that they aren't interested in spending. You see it on any highway in NZ, hundreds of kilometres of streams with no barrier whatsoever. I grew up on a life style block out west and we have sheep and some streams (start of tributaries to the Kaipara, and we have gradually fenced off and planted most of it. Yeah, it isn't a massive farm so we aren't talking about enormously long fences, but yeah, it wasn't a working farm either, we were all in full time work, so we were time poor, but have still managed to get it done.

    The reason farmers don't fence waterways and plant them up in flaxes, cabbage trees etc is because they don't give a shit. If you can't afford some fence posts and wire and a few weeks of your time (even if you do a bit each year), then you are a useless farmer and need to go do something else.

    The government needs to be way more pro-active and force every farmer to fence off every waterway on their property within the next 10-20 years, and offer financial assistance if necessary.

    There is NO FUCKING EXCUSE for not having it done by now.

    Hell, they should have all been fenced off by 1950.

    It's 2012 FFS!!!!

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Big 2012 US Election PAS Thread, in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    Who knows, but I don't think it would be a particularly smart long game for Democrats to assume African-Americans and Hispanics are theirs, electorally speaking.

    Nope, it never is in politics.

    I did see (others did too I'm sure) some discussion about how the young vote (18-29)is heavily in favour of the Democrats and that age group has been clearly for the Democrats in the last 4 elections now, and that once somebody votes one way 3 times they are basically committed to them for life (obviously there are exceptions). This being something that both Democrat and Republican studies have both discovered.

    So with the elderly voters who favour the Republicans going 'their way', and the youth vote becoming semi-entrenched in the Democratic camp, and the rise of minority voters it is likley that it's going to become more difficult for the Republicans to regularly gain power unless they concede some ground. Burning the Fox News building to the ground would be a start (everybody safely outside of course).

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Big 2012 US Election PAS Thread,

    What's going to happen in the next 4-8 years etc when the percentage of white population/voters drops further and the minorities vote increases? Republicans have got some serious decisions to make if they want to get their fair share of bums on the big seat in the oval office.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • OnPoint: MSD's Leaky Servers,


    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Advocate,

    Sky is in over 50% of NZ households now (or so they said a year or so back), and I'd take a guess that about half of them have MySky so I'd seriously question their ratings if they don't have a fair spread and a way to accurately measure what they're watching which is probably close to impossible at the moment. When I'm fast forwarding through 30 second ads at x30 the advertiser isn't getting much bang for their bucks. :)

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Field Theory: All. Black., in reply to Dave Waugh,

    Admittedly it's not as bad as the Olympics which is now little more than a marketing vehicle for advertising and brand promotion.

    Maybe through your eyes.

    I watched a bunch of awesome athletes performing in a range of sports and didn't pay any attention to any sponsorship or advertising. I straight up can't think of a single Olympic partner or whatever they call them. I'd have to google it.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Advocate,

    How does MYSKY viewing get included in the ratings? (If at all???)

    I would record through MYSKY about 5 hours of sport every day. Some days a bit less, some days it'd be closer to 24 hours (like during the weekends), and then watch it back either fast forwarding through ad breaks, or scrums, lineouts, penalty shots at goal ..., with football games I generally jump to the last ten or so minutes.

    All because I don't have time to watch all of it. But I would watch some of most of it.

    So IF there are people with peoplemeters similar to me is there any way that what they are watching can be noted accurately?

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Advocate,

    I like what Campbell is doing with the school lunches stuff because it's a REAL issue that needs sorting.

    But having seen first hand the one sided hatchet job he did on our school (twice) over school violence/bullying and the restorative process last year, which was totally unfair, I'll take many of his stories with a table spoon of salt.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Cracker: Weapons of Mass Production,

    Fascinating article. The type of growth that has gone on in China and other parts of the region is astonishing. Mind blowing by comparison to our type of growth speeds which sees us fretting about Auckland reaching 2 million in 20 years and where are we going to put them all.

    Even in Korea they'll say something like "we need to build a new city somewhere strategic, let's chuck one there", and in ten years time there will be a city with several hundred thousand and counting built from scratch with all the infrastructure surrounding it. it's like something from Simcity or one of those other build your own city games.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

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