Posts by Yamis

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  • Cracker: Weapons of Mass Production,

    Just a little thing for the author, but if you are going to include the 'greater city area' in the population then you need to do that for every other mega city in the world.

    Including the population of greater Seoul for example would bump it's number up to 24 million as well.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Speaker: Key: Concession Not Recession, in reply to Russell Brown,

    Do be sure to let us know when you do :-)

    After a few bourban and cokes I think I'm getting there.

    If people want to shit all over other peoples internet 'articles' then they should post up all their own thought out, or not really thought out arguments on their own website, on a range of topics and let everybody else have a go at them.

    Won't take long to work out that it's easier to post shit about the weekends sport results or what music you like cos people are real tough when they're committing domestic violence on their keyboard.

    I think that sort of gets at summing up my thoughts on a complicated topic.

    No doubt somebody will come and try to smash me with their letter combinations.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Speaker: Key: Concession Not Recession,

    I actually don't know what I meant by that post. I'll work it out later.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Speaker: Key: Concession Not Recession, in reply to Russell Brown,

    don't want you issue general baggings to the PAS community.

    Bilbo baggings?

    Writing ANYTHING of a decent length, and posting it on the internet leaves you wide open to be spending hours of effort (and sometimes stress) defending it, correcting it, apologising for bits of it, that in the end you wonder wtf-ing point of it was.

    I'm sure most of us have been on both sides of the fence.

    But if athletes (many of whom are simple minded :) ) can bash the shit out of each other for what ever length of time and stop literally at the final whistle, shake hands and go have a beer, before going at it again a few months later then why can't others.

    sniff sniff :)

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Re: Education,

    How would the NZ Herald go if there was an annual report on Journalistic Standards that only looked at a couple of aspects of their performance? Like cleanliness of keyboards, or numbers of words per article containing more than 5 letters.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Media3: The Maori Media Man,


    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reviews: #NZGT and the Herald,

    website is the most commonly used these days but Web site and web site are also used.

    However I would say that by far the most apt description for most pages on the internet is webshite.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Media3: PIF, Paralympics, and…,

    Cheers Ross, that was very enlightening.

    I see there's been a bit more whingeing about the lack of coverage but despite the fact that I'm loathe to defend SKY, they have to make commercial decisions. People say they will watch more, or think that they will watch more but the reality is that SKY carefully monitor this shit. If it rated they'd have it on 20 chanells a day, 24 hours a day. They are in it to make money.

    Clearly it doesn't rate and it doesn't make money.

    They aren't a charity. They aren't screening under 13 netball games, and they aren't screening the golden oldies games.

    There are dozens of sports in NZ that get ZERO TV coverage or else have to PAY the networks to get on air. This has been a big issue for many years and always will be. The only way round it would be to get publicly funded television with a government that said "you don't need to make money, screen whatever you like".

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Media3: PIF, Paralympics, and…, in reply to Greg Sands,

    But the sports are interesting for a change - for example, goalball, and sitting volleyball (of all things)!

    Yeah, my wife and I were joking that we'd be quite into the sitting volleyball because we're so bloody lazy :) We'd get smashed of course by the pros. My wife also commented during the goal ball how nobody ever seemed able to stop a single shot before I pointed out that they were only showing the goal highlights not all the saves that there would have been. So those highlights made them look somewhat incompetent. Perhaps they could edit that a bit better.

    The wheelchair basketball shows some real talent because some of them are dribbling and wheeling and using their knees to manipulate the bounce that you can barely keep track of the ball and from the height they are shooting at it would be much harder to arc the ball in.

    I reckon there might be the odd spot where the paralympians would beat the able-bodied athletes playing in paralympian events. Wheelchair basketball would be one because of the skill required to control the chairs, dribble and then the different shot angles. I guess the pro's would get it after a while.

    There are some events where it was hard to see what the disability was. The archery was one. Some were standing and appeared to be fully functional, while others were shooting from seated positions.

    I thought the blind sprinting was awesome, having a guide sprinting with them. That would be hard work because they'd have to be bloody fit to keep up but also position themselves just perfectly and probably have verbal commands as well to keep them on the right line.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Media3: PIF, Paralympics, and…,

    We'll also be looking at Paralympics coverage -- or, rather the lack of it --

    I've heard from somebody who works at SKY that the reason they aren't showing it is because hardly anybody watches it. People talk about how we should be showing it but then they don't watch it, or certainly not in big enough numbers.

    I watched about 20 mins of the highlights package last night and I'd say that that coverage is about right (it seems to be in 1 to 2 hour highlight package blocks). It was key games and medal moments and quite entertaining. If they were showing all of it I'd fall asleep in no time and that's not much different to how I found plenty of the Olympic events.

    Seeing packed stadiums is cool. Must be great for the athletes to be competing in front of that many people.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

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