Posts by Jason Kemp

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  • Hard News: Change for the Better, in reply to Glenn Pearce,

    Really :) I think it depends on the day and the weather a bit. Sausalito is not a real ride - you should have cycled to Tiburon and caught the ferry from there. No queues.

    Like anything it could be better but by an large being able to cycle or walk over a major bridge with a view is great. I have been on the Golden Gate when there was a fog and so you couldn't see much that crossing but later in the day it improved.

    People complain about the stairs at one end of the Sydney Harbour bridge too but they are missing the point. Yes that part could be improved but just being able to cycle anywhere without being run over by a car is a good day. Cheer up :)

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 368 posts Report

  • Hard News: Change for the Better, in reply to Sacha,

    The colour is called Telemagenta by the company that made it. Ironically the details are in a post called Pink Frost. ( they don't once mention the Chills but...)
    Pink Frost: meet the team who put the icing on the Nelson St cake

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 368 posts Report

  • Hard News: Change for the Better,


    We had a walk along the magenta trail on Saturday. It is only 700m but very impressive. I think the symbolic value of the magenta loop is magnified by the colour. It will be great when a cyclist can ride to skypath and over the bridge.

    Ask anyone in Sydney or SF how many tourists enjoy walking / cycling over those iconic bridges and the answer is – a lot and they are all happy.

    See below – first numbers Friday 511 but 1064 on the Thursday night. It is cyclists and not pedestrians / skateboarders if I am correct.

    The first numbers are in, for bike movements on #LightpathAKL

    On Hosking – that old chestnut – if I am cycling – my car is probably at home so there is more space for other car drivers – everyone wins.

    Just worked out how to add the image table from BikeAuckland - so that is now added at the top.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 368 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Chris Brown,

    In recent news - this story is back -

    He has recently had problems getting visas in England and Australia.

    Outcry as Chris Brown applies for NZ visa

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 368 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Message,

    Mt Albert Aquatic Centre is a 3 way JV where the school (Crown) owns the land. The council owns the building and and management company runs the pool. There is a complicated trust agreement in place. So it was excluded from the "free" concession.

    As a regular user I am happy that it is not free for kids as there would just be more people there. I'd guess that the Cameron pools are actually in the Mt Roskill region and those are probably free though.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 368 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Police Ten 7 State,

    This researcher/ former academic believes Police should put the spade down.

    If it wasn't so important to get it right this would be a popcorn moment.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 368 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Police Ten 7 State,

    Having an evidence-based approach towards policing enables us to understand ‘what works’ best, and then put that into practice

    That phrase and various others in the press release look like subjective opinions e.g.

    research is accurate, balanced and constructive. Police reserves the right to discuss research findings with the academic if it misunderstands or misrepresents police data and information.

    Subjective and discretionary.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 368 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Police Ten 7 State,

    Jarrod notes in the original article

    Criticising public bodies is an important part of my job - the Education Act defines one of my duties as being a "critic and conscience".

    In this column and on my blog I have held to account the Police Commissioner (for saying a cop who planted a shell casing to get a conviction had "integrity beyond reproach"); the former Minister of Justice (for defending illegal police behaviour that led to the collapse of an undercover operation); and the former Minister of Police (for using wildly inaccurate gang data). None of these calls were popular for those concerned, but few would argue that they weren't important.

    over at:
    Dr Jarrod Gilbert: The police have deemed me unfit to undertake crime research because I know criminals

    Which is something I'd guess the present government has a beef with.

    Surely the intention of the "rules" whatever they are should not be to stifle democracy or research. Surely there is a discretion argument that can be made on the grounds of public good?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 368 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Voting in the Flag Referendum,

    I like that the NZ public is being asked a hypothetical question this time around.

    If the flag was to be changed - A kind of - what would your preferences be vote scenario.

    I think that gets people to consider the alternatives and give them some kind of ranking if they want to take part.

    There is no way that you can cast a vote in this referendum that will be recorded as a protest

    And that is fine. Those people get their chance in the 2nd referendum.

    After all the worst thing that can happen ( after the 2nd referendum) is that we end up with the same flag or a flag that some of us don't like.

    And really given that I've never owned a flag or used one for any purpose - I'm just not bothered either way.

    There is of course a chance that the alternative some of us vote for will become the new flag and those people will be happy. What is not to like about simple pleasures.

    It is not like flag stuff is substantive at all. There are plenty of other ideas that are more important but getting a 1 in 5 chance of a change is worth a punt. Although the math is complicated by the second round - will the alternative beat the old one?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 368 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: All Being Well,

    Its 30 something years since Shoes This High - good to hear Brent has got a song with a payday after all that time. I couldn't listen to the whole thing but I'm happy for Aly & Brent.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 368 posts Report

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