Posts by Jason Kemp

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  • Hard News: About Chris Brown,

    Chris Brown is about to get new high-powered support for his bid to enter New Zealand – this time from three Maori Dames, a Lady and a former Women’s Refuge boss.

    It seems like the supporters are taking advantage of the publicity but in a naiive way. A quick look at womensrefuge doesn't show any mention of the debate.

    A closer look shows this new item> which shows a more perceptive take on brand and why any support for Chris Brown is a non-starter.

    Women's Refuge Statement about Julian Savea and NZRU

    Women’s Refuge is disappointed the New Zealand Rugby Union allowed Julian Savea to play over the weekend despite being charged with assault last week.

    “Domestic violence is a serious crime and one of the biggest social problems in New Zealand. When an All Black has been charged with a domestic violence offence, I would have thought the All Black 'brand' would want to act decisively to distance itself from such an action,” says Refuge Chief Executive Heather Henare.

    “It should then have come out publically with comments about how dimly it views any criminal offending, including domestic violence.”

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 368 posts Report

  • Hard News: NZME and you, in reply to Cameron Pitches,

    I look after a large number of content sites and the busiest one may have brought in more a few years ago but googles systems keep changing and a good day is more like $5 US. That is for a site which has 40-50,000 visitors a month. There are not many sites in NZ that do more than 50,000 a month. The google ads total is closer to $150 a month at that level. Sponsorships can add more but the glory days are gone ( or very much diluted.)

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 368 posts Report

  • Speaker: The government's Rules…,

    "We were always at war with RMAsia”.

    That sounds like a direct quote from the book 1984….

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 368 posts Report

  • Hard News: A cog in the Mediaworks machine,

    Surely the positive here is that the Scout person is NOT on the Herald site any more and can more easily be ignored.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 368 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: A Life of Stories,

    All great music events are vibrant at the time but they do need recording and it was great to hear stories at Songs of the City and now in the Simon Grigg book.

    Music and mythology are strongly linked and reading about them later is a joy.

    Most everyone in Auckland has a Graham Brazier story or two. Luke Hurley has shared a few snippets in this memory piece today

    "Gossip is the devils radio" says Graham. Yes but with great stories...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 368 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not yet standing upright,

    It’s a bit like being invited the flag-games. A compulsory $26m party at which choices no designer would make are being offered up. At least they aren’t demanding tributes to fight it out to the death on television.

    By including 3 fern designs in the final 4 and one badly executed Koru the situation has become a Hobson’s choice.

    It’s not like most of us have any use for a flag most of the time but it is disappointing to waste an opportunity to be excellent by making mediocre choices.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 368 posts Report

  • Hard News: Everybody has one,

    I do recall hearing Mike Hosking on Radio NZ rather a long time ago. Back then I’m fairly sure he was paid to be a journalist. Now it appears that he is being paid to be himself which is rather less interesting for everybody.

    The NZherald seems to have gone through an almost endless cycle of removing qualified staff and replacing them with “back packers” and other stop gap measures. More recently it is clear that there are no sub editors left and spelling and other mistakes just remain.

    The latest trend seems to be outsourcing stories to The Daily Mail. I was appalled this morning that the most popular story appears to be a story about a shooting at a tv channel. And that story included video of the actual shooting. Sure enough it was sourced from The Daily Mail.

    The worst thing about those stories is having to scroll to the bottom to find the source. They should get their own byline at the top so we can jus ignore them.

    It is sad to see people like Dita de Boni, Paul Casserly, Mark Webster and others whose columns have been dumped. I recall Adam Gifford and others were dumped in earlier changes of the same nature.

    What happens is that you get the “voice of privilege” rather than a diversity of opinions and ideas that a newspaper should thrive on.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 368 posts Report

  • Hard News: Radio Punks: So many stories, in reply to Russell Brown,

    Of course – there were 5 Andrews – sorry guys. Unforgettable but 35 years is a long time.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 368 posts Report

  • Hard News: Radio Punks: So many stories,

    I suspect the real answer to when the best days in student radio is every day. Compared to every other station student radio is great and it still is. I seem to remember a bumper sticker saying something like that.

    I was there in the early ’80’s at BFM and many of those involved went on to greater things. At one time there were at least 3 Andrews on the crew. Andrew Topping, Andrew Boak and Andrew Bishop. Francis Hooper was there as was Mark Tierney, Debi Gibbs and others. All of them went on to do very well later on radio and music / culture related fields.

    I think what was happening in music in early 80’s made things a bit more unpredictable.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 368 posts Report

  • Polity: Saudi sheep: Misappropriating…,

    When there are columns in the NBR business paper like this where Stephen Franks calls a bribe an actual bribe. (Friday August 7, 2015)

    Was our Saudi sheep farm wasted money whatever happened?

    and others

    OPINION: McCully sacking critical to Key’s integrity

    – behind paywall. Matthew Hooton WEEKEND REVIEW Thursday August 6, 2015 (30 comments)

    McCully told to front up with legal advice on Saudi deal

    behind paywall
    Chris Hutching Wednesday August 5, 2015 (3 comments)

    You have to think the tide is turning against McCully and Key.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 368 posts Report

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