Posts by Simon Grigg
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I'm not sure if this is the right thread to post this, but what is..I'm just seeing over on Facebook that Danielle (and Brent) had a baby (Bobby) at 2.30 pm, 4.4kgs (that is 9.7 lbs), 56cm, c section
Makes me feel all warm and happy (although not as happy as those two I bet).
Congrats to all three.
Weren't the Gordons on something else pre-FN as well?
Yep. Self released. I helped distribute in Ak, and sold it on mail order. It came out in late 1980, quite a while before FN existed.
And that NZ On Screen Flying Nun collection is now online.
And I'm gonna grumble (with a smile) that the first one in the list, Tall Dwarf's Nothing's Gonna Happen was not a FN release, but on my (and Paul Rose's) Furtive label, months before FN existed.
OMG, so much awesome. Made my Friday.
Yup, worth remembering that our (as in NZ's) take on hip hop culture, which is quite filtered and unique, is close to 30 years old now.
have been obsessively hunting those Gremlins, Underdogs, and 'Tongues singles for a few years now.
As have I although I have most gaps filled now. But the bad news for we 'spotters is that what you could pick up for a dollar or two a year or three back are now heading towards the $20 mark as the label becomes very collectable. I guess this list won't help that upward spiral.
I bought things like the Gremlin's Blast Off and Sitting In The Park for cents in the 1990s. I've also caused a fuss amongst collectors because I have a copy of The Human Instinct's Hustler 7" which collector's chatter said didn't exist (I bought mine new in a Record / Hi Fi shop in Glen Innes circa '75). Never issued I was told...uhh, yes it was.
KInda fun getting all obsessive-like over this and I'm loving the slow re-awakening in interest in NZ's musical legacy and pre-history (from a 2010 perspective).
Sitting down? Don't have figures to hand, but they exist.
I'm always bemused by these, sitting in a part of the world where not only about half the world's population wakes daily, but aside from a smattering in Japan and Hong Kong and a few expats here and there absolutely no-one knows what a rugby ball looks like. And the 2007 RWC passed without mention.
Toss into that number most of Africa, the Middle East, South America apart from Argentina....
They were remarking about the lack of road signs in this country.
They've clearly never been to Indonesia
Marijuana was often a stepping stone to more aggressive drugs such as P or cocaine, he said.
I wonder if this is on DVD yet, y'know for the schools and all
Mr Key said young people should get involved in sports, culture or drama and not dabble in drugs
Damn, there goes the friggin' record collection
Or is John Key the cultural vacuum on two legs he seems to be from afar?
Robbie, I don't really want to go into all this here, but suffice to say that Phil was a pretty wonderful guy who did great things not only for his community but every aspiring kid who has a notion to make music in NZ. As are Tony and Christina.
That said there are half truths, and simple untruths in both stories, liberally mixed with statements that do touch on the truth.
I've long since learned that the printed media in this fair land of ours has only a passing acquaintance with accurate reporting.
Don't know how true any of it is