Posts by Simon Grigg

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  • Random Play: Pauly Fuemana: How . . . sad,

    He didnt want to elaborate, which is unlike him :), so was wondering if anybody knew what he was on about...Simon ?

    I'm guessing he didn't want to elaborate because it was just hot air and anger at his early passing. Pauly's management audited Universal several times and there are / were no problems at all. They're quite clear on that.

    That said, there is a great deal of quite sad but inevitable bandwagoning jumping which does Paul's memory and legacy no honour.

    I've got issues with the way OMC was handled by PolyGram (mostly in Australia) but this is neither the time or the place.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Hell's Bells,

    It is just that copyright exists to reward and protect creators.

    And mostly copyright, even when transferred to a 3rd party as a commodity continues to do just that in the form of royalties.

    So while I find myself loosely agreeing with you that this runs counter to the broad intent of copyright, at least outside the US, the dividing line is at best a wobbly one.

    In the US the stripping of copyright away from the creator, without benefit, is a cornerstone of the entertainment industry going back forever, or at least back to the mid 19th century.

    Ironically, under founder Warren Fahey, Larrikin and his Folkways shop played a crucial role in preserving Australia's pre-rock musical heritage. He's a legendary figure in the Australian scene, still performs the role of an archivist, and seems pretty uncomfortable about this. His statement, on his site, is:

    Now that the court has ruled in favour of Larrikin Music I need to point out that although I founded Larrikin Music in 1975 I sold it to Music Sales in 1988 - before they bought the rights to the children's ditty. Seems to me that the only one's getting rich off this bunfight are lawyers. My main concern is that people really believed this to be a traditional work and its use and popularity will fade. I hope this doesn't mean our kids will be forced to sing more of those Disney and Lloyd Webber songs!

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Hell's Bells,

    I do not see why copyright should be transferable. The rights should belong to the creator and to the creator's heirs, for a reasonable time. They should not be a commodity.

    And with one sweep, for better or worse, you've just wiped out entertainment industry as such....

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Random Play: Pauly Fuemana: How . . . sad,

    It was Give It A Whirl, a six parter put together by Visionary in 2004.

    I was the person being interviewed, and yes, we went backwards and forwards four or five times in 5 weeks, including once arriving back in NZ on a Sunday morn, getting a call at midday from the UK which put us back on a plane to the UK later that day.

    The airpoints were good.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Random Play: Pauly Fuemana: How . . . sad,

    Cheers Graham. I'm a little lost for words today as many are.

    But it's only fair to note that, as you briefly mention, the media people who gave Pauly his biggest break were Dylan Taite, who did an extended piece on Paul for TVNZ which ran on the 6 O'Clock news the day we released the single, John Russell from Rip It Up who gushed over the song, and, probably most importantly, yourself, who took a huge risk and gave a complete unknown the front page, full, of the entertainment section on same day. It was that page which led to Dylan ringing me later in the morning.

    And it was that day's coverage which snowballed in NZ, launched How Bizarre and sent him on his way and I've never been able to say thank you enough, so I'll try again.

    Thank you, from us all. And thank you for your words today.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do Want?,

    I shall wait for the cheap Chinese knock off.

    which must be days away.

    which improved things for HTC.

    The oft-stated notion that the iPhone has been the smartPhone killer is just odd, at least where I live. In Asia (population about 3bln, give or take), outside of Japan, the Blackberry and HTC dominate utterly and the iPhone is an also ran. In Thailand there are about 20,000 SmartPhones sold a week and I think the figure for Apple was less than 10%. Bluntly, iPhones are simply not seen as hip. Blackberries and HTC (Android or not) phones are.

    And the recent Gartner research doesn't paint the rosy picture for Apple's phone share globally by 2012 that one might believe, although I do think the iPad has just given all such research a nudge into the unreliable now.

    But, and it's a huge one, the iPhone completely revolutionised the ground that all the market share winners occupy. Does anyone think that the Touch or Nexus would look the way it does without Apple's influence?

    And I hate my blackberry so much I want to cry sometimes on the Blackberry community forums is hilarious.

    Heh..seen the Apple forums recently ;)

    The other way of looking at it is that Apple under Jobs has been a brilliant product innovator

    Indeed. Which is why I love my MacBook Pro so very much. I held out for years but will never, ever, ever go back to a PC. I shoehorned my wife away from a Compaq this last week into a MacBook Pro and she's smiling as I type.

    My Mac does just about everything I need to do so much better than my old Win box. It purrs, it glides along and it performs tasks. I love it because I love machines to work, and it very much does*.

    Oh, and yep, I do so want an iPad but I'm happily in the wait till 2.0 part of the market.

    *This is tempered right now by the very shitty support I received last month from Apple when it died a few weeks out of warranty and Apple were best described as devious & dishonest in their response to the known fault that they sold the machine with. A battle royal ended with a free repair but only because I wouldn't accept no and kept on demanding to speak to the next person up the chain when I hit a wall. I put this next to the repair needed on the old HP, which was handled perfectly and without issue or cost even though it was well outside warranty.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Random Play: The Big Day Out: Lambs to…,

    @Rich. Of course every case varies hugely and it comes down, as you say, to how much you've spent getting there. But I'm talking in isolation of all that, a reasonable self written hit will provide a gross income that viably could set a person up for a comfortable lifestyle.

    However, in the real world, it rarely does because of the variables and the way the many labels contractually structure artist recoupment.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Random Play: The Big Day Out: Lambs to…,

    Personally, if I was a 24 year-old pop star, I'd be havin' it large.

    Yeah agreed, but to be fair she's spent a large part of the past two years doing her own tut tutting of her generation's habits. What goes around...

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Random Play: The Big Day Out: Lambs to…,

    Three big albums is nearer the mark. Probably more today.

    Nope, the one worldwide hit single is nearer the mark, if you handle the money and rights smartly. And they keep on earning forever.

    The dosh is always in the performance income.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Holiday Musings,

    But that's a pretty effective ban from anywhere other than major cities.

    With over a hundred cities with more than a million and a fair number around the 10m mark, that's not really a ban is it? The pricing thing more so, but there are hundreds of millions who live a pretty middle class life for whom RM200 wouldn't be a burden.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

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