Posts by recordari
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Hard News: The Public Address Word of…, in reply to
Not even, au!
Er, which?
Umm, this.
Hard News: The Public Address Word of…, in reply to
Because I am quite slow on the uptake sometimes.
Whether intended or not, that was quite an effective put down, because, as the saying goes 'I did not know that!' Slow? Glacial.
Anyway, I'm still trying to work out 'Loosey in the fly with diamonds.'
What was Jolisa's phrase again?
Random Play: Alt.Republic: The rolling mall, in reply to
Run it all the way to MoTaT!
And you could jump on the Zoo-m Tram to Meola creek, and you're practically in Chatswood. Flying fox to Kauri Point to finish it off.
Hard News: The Public Address Word of…, in reply to
Where others might have thought 'Say no go' by De La Soul. Just sayin'.
The Oxford Dictionary WOTY is "Big Society". Beating "double-dip" and "vuvuzela".
They seem a bit staid in comparison. Got to keep a 'stiff upper lip' I suppose.
But hey, that might impinge on profits.
Farmers free bus? However, when the mall is fully operational, there is every likelihood that walking the length of Morningside Drive would be faster than taking a bus. Unless they widen it. Which seems almost inevitable. They could put a tram down it. Works in Christchurch.
“just a little acknowledgment of them coming out for such an important meeting to discuss how this development will be taking over their neighbourhood”.
Or "I've got more money than you have sense."
Oh, right, this is satire. If only.
ETA: What Russell said about traffic. It's so beyond a joke now, they might as well just stop calling it traffic and start calling it parking. Ah, so that's how they got council approval.
Let's put it bluntly: If you're so thick you can't look in your rear-vision mirror before you open your car door, education isn't going to help.
If you're that fat, bald man with the bad attitude behind the wheel who honks and flips the bird, education isn't going to help.
Equally, if you're that cyclist with the lycra, thinking you're Alberto Contador, riding three abreast because "that's your right"; education isn't going to help, either.
Is it 'how many people can we offend in three sentences' week?
Hard News: The Public Address Word of…, in reply to
By way of a footnote then: this isn’t a neologism, but it seems to me to have been a year of entitlements.
I added 'entitlement' as an ETA to a post, and then decided against it, because I felt that 'twatcock' was pretty much applicable in most senses of 'entitlement' that I could think of.
As a word, it's utility seems almost unparalleled.