Posts by recordari
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Hard News: Where nature may win, in reply to
Can you post the photo somewhere ChrisW? Sounds like it deserves a wider audience.
Ok, so I turned it on and watched Whittal, and thought 'wow, no way I could keep it together making that statement. What a guy', and then the cameras in faces started again, and the grieving father was forced to speculate, arguably with more right to do so than most, and I had to turn it off.
I got the impression Mike McRoberts might have turned it off too, if he'd had a switch, as he managed an appropriate degree of reverence and respect, during the small bit that I saw.And Stephen, bloody hell!!
ETAThe Greymouth Star is aware of one incident in which a journalist left a microphone attached to someone they had already interviewed, to gather more sensitive information.
Fired. Surely?
Ditto for Larkin, and Craig for posting. Apart from that, I'm planning to listen to some silence, rather than more media unravelling.
Hammer springs?
By the way, trying to edit posts on iPhone, I can’t control cursor as usual. Jumps to start or end of
text. My phone, or others having trouble too?ETA Hence the hammer not Hamner.
Hard News: Do you like what we've done…, in reply to
But I have a juicy literary post coming up. And it's not about plagiarism.
Is there a more subtle way of saying 'salivating?' No? Right, carry on.
And you'd be reading Timothy Leary rather than Brautigan.
Cracker: Dig This!, in reply to
Actually, I'm stealing Ian's jokes from another blog. And as to being old, that year is central to my very being. Or my being at all.
Cracker: Dig This!, in reply to
I've found that my attempted Dalzielisms can fall short, although I suspect he might get it.
Richard Brautigan, In Watermelon Sugar.
I've also started signaling whenever sensible, and thank-you waving and nodding. So either I look like someone on a bike riding well and making a connection with someone in a car, or I look like a smiling, waving, nodding, veering lunatic. Either way I'm getting space!
I used to cycle a lot, but now ride a scooter, and even in that case I've found sometimes effusive gesticulating at intersections or while merging can help diminish any potential aggression. By that I mean in the form of directional signals, rather than rude gestures, of course. Tends to produce a smile rather than the not uncommon 'get off my road you bipedal inbred.'
In the past few days it has occurred to me that a rear vision mirror, affixed to either helmet or handlebars, would be more than ornamental on the bike. Has anyone got any tips on what works with these?
It would be nice if more motorists treated the already compulsory rear-view and side mirrors as more than ornamental too, just to revisit an earlier point.
Cracker: Dig This!, in reply to
Rich yard, brought a gin. Tonic?