Posts by Sam F
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My favourite US political neologism of the year is still the Daily Show's "10,000 McCainiacs".
Oh yes, that cracked me up as well.
Highway Patrol
Holy smokes, where does he get these ideas? And I would prefer say yellow and blue as opposed to orange and blue for regular patrol cars, but I'd so hate to pre-empt the police in adaption of Garth's revolutionary suggestion...
Here's a mantra: "A broken clock tells the right time twice every day."
That pretty much sums up what it took me two paragraphs to say. No point in navigating back a page to decode my asterisked comment now. Curse you, Ranapia! :)
What the...
*Target here indicating "the target of the surveillance".
Can anyone recommend something I can take that will make me feel clean again?
Ooh, that's a tough one.
Occasionally George has burst of lucidity, in which one might suspect that someone saner is ghostwriting his column, but basically the only thing that separates this piece from the standard George police-state/anti-bureaucrat rant is the target.
Given how long George has been doing his thing, occasionally the random-outrage aggregator that is his brain will champion something vaguely palatable to someone. But I'd expect a return to normal within two columns at absolute most.
The alliteration, it blows my Wednesday afternoon mind.
It's the green grass pudding that has me concerned or slightly lol-ing.
I'm sure you'll appreciate this if you haven't seen it already.
*cough* Another tech writer here...
Is this tech writing as in manuals or tech writing as in writing about new technology?
Because if the latter, me too I guess.
Given recent threads, I'd like to nominate "false equivalence" as a PAS phrase of the year. Famously applied by someone to almost anything Craig Ranapia posts, to the point where everytime I see it I bypass the meaning and wonder if I should make a drinking game out of its many occurrences.