Posts by Sam F
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This in answer to the inevitable letter to the paper whining about the christ being taken out of Christmas
I always look at this as a theological dispute. Take the Christ out, you're left with mass. So Catholics, happy. Others, not so much.
Heh. Growing up in a Catholic household, we had plenty of time to thrash this out. I think my final conclusion after a while was that if people weren't believers anyway, insisting that they pay lip service to the Almighty was stupid - and maybe would do more to put people off religion permanently, and was that really the Christmas present the faithful wanted to give themselves?
Looking at it now from a rather less religious perspective I think that still makes sense.
There's always the Progress Quest Christmas model, where you go through the whole thing on autopilot and occasionally laugh merrily at your achievements (Level 41 Bankrupt? Wowz!)
Oh no, no. No no no no no...
Aw c'mon. It can only get funnier.
Some, such as John Madden, feel OJ brought the game down and so should be ... um... unducted(?)
Deducted, surely?
Ah yes, but have you downloaded the Scrooge module?
Welcome! Particularly if you're the Leo Brown I suspect you might be. :)
Okay, you've got your first bite.
Elaborate, please.
Completely apropos of nothing... why is it so quiet this morning? Did everyone posting from work get found out and fired?
Our labrador will strip the plum & pear trees is we're not looking - as far as she can reach up on her hind legs (that can't be comfortable, but looks hilarious).
Ah yes, this sounds familiar... it's getting to that time of year when Mum and Dad will need to wrap wire mesh around the bottom of the grapevine, before their Huntaway cross devours every bunch.
They're *always* nattering on about it on NatRad. Perhaps it's just that I'm always in the shower listening to the radio during the just-before-7am business report, though.
I always end up listening to this whilst having breakfast. Nothing like a bit of economic doom and gloom to speed you out the door into a summer morning.
And I'm now wondering why I bothered growing tomatoes this year.
You too? And all the bamboo stakes are breaking so I'll have to cut more before I transplant them into the big planter... sigh. The horrors of sustainable living.