Posts by tim kong

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  • Speaker: Seven Good Reasons,

    I enjoyed the night - tough crowd for the fellow from Dunbar Sloane. Being a Monday can't have helped.

    I too was impressed with Mr English's spiel - not his usual televised demeanour. I preferred to think of that speech as indeed being from 'Billy Glish', instead of from the aformentioned deputy leader.

    Saw the nuts - nicely bagged. Bid on and won the Babylicious voucher - although apparently David Cohen left the voucher at home - so I'm waiting for a call to sort it out.

    Can't say I recognised anyone - though it was good to say hullo to RB briefly. Indeed a worthy cause. Thanks to all those who put it together - and a great choice for a url.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Hard News: The cane and the strap,

    As one of the dwindling number of male teachers in the profession - I would think again about teaching, if I was instructed to use the cane or the strap. Or indeed about applying to a school that had corporal punishment as a part of its behaviour management system.

    Teaching, to me is a position of respect. Not of power. Respect needs to be earned, and that imo is not via a cane or a belt.

    My students asked: "That doesn't make sense. Why should teachers be allowed to cane us, if you just passed a law that says our parents can't?"

    Once you get past all of the ideological positions and researched statistics - you are left with the question - 'Who are you going to get to do it?'

    Society demands much from teachers. To demand that I inflict a physical punishment on one of my students, for the purposes of behaviour management, and then demand that I educate them in such a way that this same society will be a better, brighter place seems a tad hypocritical to me.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Hard News: A lot of money and a bit rich,

    That section on the TV3 website about the presenters looks like it's been written by Womans Weekly.

    "Slightly smaller than Gary and with a fairer complexion, Alan nevertheless was a big man..."

    what's all that about??

    I fear for the rantings of MaCyver - he's all tabloid flash and flappery, forever trying to make the game seem somewhat more than it is.

    ".. he sees teaching and reporting as similar skills. They each interpret and illuminate life’s facets. "

    He's obviously not been in a classroom recently.

    Bunce, Fox and Whetton all stand around like your average Kiwi blokes, seemingly embarrassed by the carry on. They combine their powers to tell us with words, exactly what we're seeing. Brilliant!

    I'm hoping good lads over at the ARC will have some sort of audio stream sorted by then.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Hard News: Can somebody hook a brother…,

    (Tangentially, I've always found the 'not giving a shit' attitude perplexing. The whole country is such an awesome, crazy, inspiring, fucked-up, ridiculous mess - how could anyone *not* be interested in it? To say nothing of its general effects on the rest of us...)


    Agreed - case in point being last night's episode of Top Gear on Prime - it's a mad, mad, mad world over there.

    And that's just Alabama!

    There's a whole continent of crazy places to explore. Brilliant!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Speaker: Transformers: Less than meets…,

    Went and saw it last night at the Embassy. $10 Tuesdays - and a sell out from what I could tell. The sounds system there is always outstanding.

    Really enjoyed it - as did the wife - who's no fan of nerdy 80's pop culture. Lots of couples there, a lot of laughs, and from what I could tell a lot of fun by all.

    It's a movie about giant robots for crying out loud.

    At one level it's cool - at another level it's bound to be pure cheese. But then so was the cartoon.

    Michael Bay more than did it justice. Hats off to ILM and Digital Domain - the cgi and compositing was outstanding.

    Roll on 9th August - when Die Hard 4.0 completes the summer action insanity!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ready to Fly,

    Should say about Singapore in particular - while it's a great little city in some ways - it's best to move on.

    I've always said if you've never been to Asia before, South East Asia especially - it's a good place to start. You get the heat without the filth, the traffic without the chaos, the food without the bizarre. It's plastic Asia.

    It gets better the further north you go. Four days is the longest I've ever managed in one go.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ready to Fly,

    I'll add my vote to Changi as being one of the better places to stop off and transit.

    Since September 9 - have had to fly NZ to UK via LAX once - and it was with work. Will never do it again if I can help it.

    Singapore Airlines service is always superb - and Changi is a pleasure to land in. Flew back over Christmas and had a 12 hour layover each way - got a room in the airport, sat in the pool, slept in a bed, enjoyed a nice breakfast. Not free, not super-plush - but very relaxing.

    Landed at Heathrow far more refreshed. And the flight from Singapore to London was far less crowded, than the normal midnight departure. Apparently being willing to land in London in the afternoon GMT, gets you more seat space.

    I watched the European Championship where Greece beat Portugal there - at some ungodly hour of the morning while waiting for a flight. Myself - 3 cleaners and a couple of blokes from security.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Southerly: The Astonishing New Car from…,

    A practical question - am on the lookout for a second car and would prefer to buy something that is sustainable and economical.

    On the list is the Prius - I've been looking at a second hand one, as on the website:

    But not sure of the potential disposal issues of said batteries and/or the disadvantages of buying a second hand Gen 2 version of the Prius. I don't need to tow anything - but small children might be on the horizon - I like the idea behind the Prius - but don't want to be stuck with something that's going to require another mortgage to maintain or service.

    Any advice from learned folk here would be much appreciated.

    The other option is a relatively new Toyota - that's easy on the petrol, and reliable.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Open source on tv,

    Why didn't they give a credit or a nod at least to Bruce Ferguson for the Starlords mashup - I know it wasn't the point of the article - but it would have been in order I'd have thought.

    I won't post the link to the original - coz it's already hurt PA once before - unless the servers have been changed.

    Nice to see something other than dog bits and hand smacks on close up as well.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Hard News: Biting back at Bill,

    Sort of off topic - but imho, cool nonetheless - particularly if Keith and other sundries are going to go pure digital and deliver.

    Brought to you by the fellows who make Oakley sunglasses - and kickass in so many ways.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

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