Posts by tim kong

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  • Hard News: Wii Too,

    I can get my Wii online - via wireless router, and it's updated the firmware twice. I've managed to connect twice - got through the legals, and saw the shopfronts. But it's very slow and intermittent.

    I'm only on 256k down/128k up. that could be part of the problem.

    the weather channel works very smoothly once it's loaded.

    would like to get opera at least before they start charging for it.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wii Too,

    Inspired in part by postings here, and also the fact that it was my birthday - wandered down to Warehouse and got one Wii - with extra controller.

    That was Friday night about 8pm - and after 20 minutes setting up - we played till 1am.

    The big bit is the WE - my wife hates consoles, never plays computer games and can't understand why I spend so much time obsessing over tech.

    But she was the one playing golf - and talking to the TV at 12:30am!

    Had friends round for dinner - and it was an instant hit, with all having a crack at the bowling, tennis and boxing.

    Excellent fun - although the light fitting has been hit twice during tennis matches - and we have had to re-arrange the furniture in the lounge.

    Building a mii is very amusing and have a mate in Oz who's already sent me several. Is slightly disconcerting to see the Hitler mii cheer you on at the tennis! Terrance and Phillip do look much like the originals though.

    It's the first console I've bought in 10 years - and it's brilliant.
    Q. Can anyone get the Shop channel to work?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wii Too,

    I did enjoy the chuckles from these Wii videos as well.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wii Too,

    I got a chance to play on the 360 over the holidays - but very keen on the Wii.

    The 360 is cool - but you really need an HDTV to take advantage of the amazing graphics....

    And what appeals to me about the Wii is the fact that the games are designed to play. Sure they maybe somewhat cheesy on the graphics front, but it strikes me as the first console in a long time to get more than just one person involved.

    There's a couple of games on the PS2 that do that - DDR, Buzz and Singstar - but you have to be somewhat of an anorak to really get those.

    Where to buy one?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Random Play: It’s Only Rock’n’Roll,

    Was it Massive Attack or Radiohead that did a gig mid-90's at Alexandra Park Racecourse?

    I remember it mainly because all the lighting was on the floor - nothing was hung in the ceiling - being an aspiring roadie type I thought that was pretty cool. It worked very well though.

    There were several dire dance parties in that same period at race course venues....

    Auckland has a dearth of quality venues - places with much soul at any rate. That statement could possibly be extended to include NZ - but that's another debate. I still do wonder what criteria promoters use to pick locations for artists.

    To my eternal shame - as it was the worst show we did - one band out of the UK I ended up touring with - played the North Shore Event Centre - on a Sunday evening.... one show only.

    Which even the crew knew was rubbish - a basketball court with as much ambience as a badly lit lunchbox. But worse was the gig being on a Sunday night - as it meant many wouldn't bother coming, having work the next morning.

    What confused us most, was that we'd arrived in Auckland on the Friday, and had Saturday off, enjoying Piha ....

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Random Play: It’s Only Rock’n’Roll,

    Was it Massive Attack or Radiohead that did a gig mid-90's at Alexandra Park Racecourse?

    I remember it mainly because all the lighting was on the floor - nothing was hung in the ceiling - being an aspiring roadie type I thought that was pretty cool. It worked very well though.

    There were several dire dance parties in that same period at race course venues....

    Auckland has a dearth of quality venues - places with much soul at any rate. That statement could possibly be extended to include NZ - but that's another debate. I still do wonder what criteria promoters use to pick locations for artists.

    To my eternal shame - as it was the worst show we did - one band out of the UK I ended up touring with - played the North Shore Event Centre - on a Sunday evening.... one show only.

    Which even the crew knew was rubbish - a basketball court with as much ambience as a badly lit lunchbox. But worse was the gig being on a Sunday night - as it meant many wouldn't bother coming, having work the next morning.

    What confused us most, was that we'd arrived in Auckland on the Friday, and had Saturday off, enjoying Piha ....

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Flying Nun Moments,

    This has been a blast reading this thread - so many real stories, of real people and experiences.


    I don't have specific FN stories, being too young and a non-resident of NZ means I missed most of the 80's heyday

    I do recall seeing the music video for the Chills "Heavenly Pop Hit" on a TV chart show in Thailand and wondering "wtf" - then being more confused when the Thai announcer mentioned "Noo Zeeland" in the follow up...

    Chris Knox tales - my 2.

    Seeing him play at the Gathering 2000/1 - I think it got mentioned earlier - his rather sneering comment something along the lines of "What a bunch of suckers - paying $100 bucks to come and listen to some blokes play other peoples records!" Having only arrived on a plane from the UK 2 nights before and still groggy - it was a pleasure to have some small sanity in the midst of the techno madness.

    Chris Knox. Sane?

    Another gig of his in London - somewhere in Kentish Town, late 1998 I think, saw him berate the assembled Kiwi masses for turning up - in part because he'd travelled all that way to play to someone English. He also showed off the Swiss army knife that the European promoter had given him.... I think it fell out of the banana boxers on the final crowd surf - but after an appeal from stage it was found on the beer soaked floor and returned to the owner.

    Have left many gigs happy - but getting the bus home that night it was with that unique sense of being privileged, slightly pissed up, freezing cold, and having been part of something that reminded me of home.

    chur mr knox.


    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Hard News: Remember where you heard it…,


    More importantly - why did Russell want/need Moby for?!


    Nice to see itunes up and running - didn't take too long to setup my account - and looking forward to perusing catalog.

    Very pleased that a proper online Apple store has opened as well.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,

    Not a huge fan of the U2 sound - but have to agree with Russell, that their care and attention to technical production has always been a pleasure to watch.

    It's not always worked, and it's a bit OTT at times, but they've consistently stretched the boundaries of what a live show is and means. They have had the Trabants and the massive staging, and then they've had beautiful, quiet moments where the video is simple black and white, with slow close-ups of details. They have made live shows both beautiful and bold, intimate and insane.

    That is in a large part due to the quality crew they surround themselves with. I say that knowing one or two of them, having worked with them - and having a huge respect for them.

    I have seen them live, in London - but the biggest buzz I ever had was seeing the Edge side of stage, watching the band I was working with - in a field somewhere in Ireland. Someone with a lot of mana - turning up to watch our little gig. That was cool.

    There's also a tale of slightly drunken lunacy after an MTV Award performance in Dublin - that ended up with the same Edge buying me a pint of Guiness at the in-house bar of the Clarence. Talk about hazy visions - Marilyn Manson sitting on the same sofa as Andrea from the Corrs - while chatting to Alicia Silverstone. :-)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • What Happens: The Sequel!,

    And Allen concedes.

    Dem's take both the House and the Senate.

    The sky won't fall tomorrow.

    I'll still be watching Stewart and Colbert to make sense of it all.

    Jesus is probably still weeping.

    But it is amusing to listen to Bush concede that he had a "thoughtful conversation" with Rumsfeld.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

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