Posts by Hadyn Green

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  • Field Theory: Sunday Bloody Sunday Newspaper,

    Why is golf "not a sport"?

    Golf isn't a sport because if John Daly can play it, it can't be sport. (I await your rebuttal with gleeful anticipation)

    Though I'm still trying to deal with why motorsport isn't sport. Schumacher used to do three hours a day in the gym in order to keep his car on the track.

    I have no defence for the America's Cup

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Sunday Bloody Sunday Newspaper,

    If you're blogging quite a lot about sports, you should get the numbers right. Basketball has 10 on the court, netball has 14.


    I wrote that at high speed and I remember thinking "is that right?" before blipping to the next point and hitting submit.

    There's no difference between the women's and men's versions of most sports.

    What LB said about tennis and same goes for (field) hockey. Though I do/did like watching Federer being able to place a ball in exactly the right place with a deft touch.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Sunday Bloody Sunday Newspaper,

    Seriously, think of the rules of netball. Clipboard mania gone mad.

    I agree with you about the defensive contact rule. Which is another reason why Casey "Chopper" Williams is such an axe, if she can get around those. Oh yeah, we gave them all cool nicknames as well.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Sunday Bloody Sunday Newspaper,

    So, in my original post I deleted my rant about netball as a spectator sport (frankly women's hockey, football, cricket are all far more entertaining).

    This is a general question, not just to Don: is there any sport where you find women's version is more interesting than the men's?

    For me women's tennis and hockey is often far more interesting than the men's versions.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Sunday Bloody Sunday Newspaper,

    That's because the rules of the game are to stop whenever you get the friggin ball and only run around in a little area of the court. Shesh, no wonder they have the energy left over for more games.

    Yeah but there are ten people on the court and only one standing still with the ball. That's like saying tennis is boring because they (usually) stand still when they hit the ball (tennis is dull for other reasons).

    I suppose viewership is horses for courses, much like anything really. For example I wouldn't go to see one of those satirical "Movie" movies (i.e. Epic Movie) but somebody must do because they make money.

    Personally I enjoyed watching the netball (even though I find non-finals basketball dull), and I enjoyed it more when I was commentating.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Sunday Bloody Sunday Newspaper,

    Face it, netball is just a dreadful sport to watch. Players imprisoned in certain sections of the court, Subbuteo like restrictions on how far they can move with the ball, and way too much whistle.

    Jeez LB you must hate rugby

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Sunday Bloody Sunday Newspaper,

    Stiil, beats talking about the cricket.

    The lady makes an excellent point.

    Well I can tell you that you will love Field Theory over summer when there will be little to no talk of cricket.

    But maybe more about that Frisbee stuff Don's into :)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Sunday Bloody Sunday Newspaper,

    Casey's unusual double plaits were down the sides of her head, and you just can't get the same swing up like that.

    Casey's entire body is a weapon on the court. I have a feeling she uses them like a ninja with two swords. Deft little flicks of the head creating eye-irritation without the ref seeing anything.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Sunday Bloody Sunday Newspaper,

    right down to the All Blacks getting a fresh jersey every time they came off the field while the Black Ferns got two for their entire World Cup campaign. Which they won, in spite of having to run on in wet jerseys that hadn't dried from being hand-washed in the hotel handbasin after the previous day's game.

    And the netballers played a three-test series in a week! And a world cup over 8 days! (or thereabouts).

    Netball is one of the top 5 sports played in New Zealand, and certainly the top women's sport (although it only just beats out golf).

    it's ok, golf isn't a sport.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Southerly: Our Saddest and Most Tragic…,

    He's yet to witness a stabbing, one hopes!?

    Witness? Perhaps it's.... commit! (crash of thunder, lights flicker, ba ba baaaaaaaaa!)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

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