Posts by Hadyn Green

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  • Field Theory: Vrooooom,

    Although the V8s turn both ways, they're still governed by some wierd rule that ensures that the makers of Proper Fast Cars (like various large German and Japanese companies, or indeed dedicated racing car makers like McLaren) don't join in. (Though I assume that Ford and General Motors contract the car design out to external specialists?).

    I always cheered for Nissan as a youngin'. How could you not? It was called Godzilla. Interestingly the last non-Ford non-Holden to win Bathurst was a Volvo.

    Side story:
    My first car was a Nissan Bluebird (with turbo, vroooom indeed). I was parked at the supermarket waiting for my girlfriend when an older gent came up and said to me, actual quote: "A Nissan eh? Great cars."

    Then he walked off. Made me feel very self conscious for many years after.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Up Front: Just Answer the Question,

    /manly handshake.

    manningly accepted

    Ginga-bashing has its origins in genuine racism: that of the English against the Irish.

    Yeah the ginga thing is quite annoying, but I just shrug it off make a few jokes (and then cry myself to sleep). I find the best defence is to say in a loud voice "I will not stand for your hate speech!"

    Usually towards Tibby.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Up Front: Just Answer the Question,

    That's funny. He doesn't look Jewish...

    See, I laughed at that! (it was a joke right? with complex layers?)

    Oh and I just love pulling jokes to pieces (seriously). It's what I do if/when I write comedy.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Up Front: Just Answer the Question,

    So it doesn't count if the people doing it are retards? Wow.

    Not to kill a funny thread, but, no it doesn't, not in comedy. First of all though, I never did actually apologise for the offense: Stephen, I'm sorry

    Now, it seems as though you believe I think there is no such thing as racism against Jews. Quite the opposite. If I did I never would have made the joke and if there was no racism it really wouldn't have worked.

    If my answer had been "Martians", it's not going to get the reaction I want because there is no racism towards martians (that I know of) and hence the joke doesn't result in the desired awkward situation. Instead you might get some canned laughter and move on to the next joke.

    The point of my joke was to highlight the awkwardness of the question by giving the answer it was supposed to "accidentally" illicit. You are right that I picked Jews because the chances of actually offending someone was lower but also because of the history of Jewish persecution.

    Extremism is going to happen everywhere. And I perhaps used the word "extreme" when I meant "current". If you were to make no joke where that joke is actually represented by a group of crazies you'd end up with Full House.

    Remember the question was to create an awkward situation, so the answer has to illicit an awkward response, and you want to make the situation as excruciating as possible so you go "big". Jews and blacks are the traditional victims of racism. The majority of people know that and so when playing the role of the racist politician one would naturally select one of those groups. And remember that the joke wasn't just "the Jews". There were two long pauses, a cough and another question: "was that right?"

    But (after some further dissection in my head) the reason I went with "Jews" for the joke was more because it's a single syllable. "Chinese" just isn't funny, I'm not sure why.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Vrooooom,

    Oh and I should mention that the Dropkicks are giving away another copy of the New Zealand Book of Rugby Lists and some Epic beer.

    Currently the odds of winning are pretty high

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Up Front: Just Answer the Question,

    i still say we lynch the fast-talkin' ginga.

    Have to catch me first Tibby! fast-talkin' and fast-runnin'

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Up Front: Just Answer the Question,

    Points to Haydn too for his hilarious ironic post-modern anti-Semitism.

    Do excuse me for not joining in the laughter, won't you.

    I'm not seeing the funnies either.

    Comedy can come from many places. Some of the more common situations are juxtaposition, irony, awkwardness, obvious (blunt tool), and shock.

    It is clear from Emma's post that the question,

    7/ If you had to ban one race from entering New Zealand, which one would it be and why?

    has no correct answer and would create an awkward situation for any politician who had been asked it.

    Many others answered the question using some of the techniques above (my favourite was "The Amazing Race") and they were funny. I chose to use a combination of obvious, shock and awkward.

    The answer "Jews" with a lengthy silence and follow up question is funny because it is exactly what you don't expect [shock] while it being the obvious answer that any evil, racist politician would answer [obvious], while the situation that follows is funny because the politician is unaware that they have made a gaffe.

    In many sitcoms you have situations where the obvious joke is a dirty one and the humour is derived from seeing how they get out of that situation. So the surprise of someone actually making the dirty joke can, oftentimes, be funnier.

    But why "Jews"? Firstly if the joke had been a racial slur there is no way that would have been funny. Secondly if the joke had been "Arabs", "Negroes", or "Chinese" it wouldn't have been funny because currently those groups are still being persecuted. However, while the Jews have suffered lengthy discrimination they are not the target of extreme racism (at least in this country*).

    Now I will say that if you find yourself laughing at the joke for hours and saying things like "yeah, take that Jews" then you maybe missed the joke and should rethink your position.

    Other than that it was just a very common comedic device, that you'll see in many primetime shows.

    *other than skinhead retards, but no one here is one of those.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Island Life: Nats to the rescue,

    Did no-one tell him he was the Moderator?

    It would be nice if he had a button to cut the mics.

    Sadly, I lasted about ten minutes before my personal focus group (aka The Better Half) started screaming "fuck up you stupid cunts" and went off to the bedroom to watch a DVD.

    Heh, I did much the same, except I was yelling at both the candidates, the reporters and the idiots who were asking questions via teh internets.

    I kinda wished someone had answered the 16yr old girl's question with "I don't care she's not old enough to vote".

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Up Front: Just Answer the Question,

    Emma, the debate is on at the moment and not one of your questions has been asked so far.

    One guy came close when he basically asked "which candidate has the balls to deny climate change?"

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Up Front: Just Answer the Question,

    2/ If you were secretly an Arab terrorist, what would be the first policy you'd enact on taking office?

    Y'know that's a good question... no seriously, what would be United Future's first policy?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

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