Posts by Danielle
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In the cold light of day, over twenty years later, there's something a teensy bit creepy about those Charles in Charge theme tune lyrics, isn't there?
Wow, look at Willie Aames. That's an outfit and hairstyle that just scream 'future Bibleman', don't they? (Aww, I see on Wikipedia he attempted suicide in 2008. Poor dude.)
Good night, John-Boy.
(Why do I remember the theme tune to The Waltons so well, but not the theme tune to Eight is Enough?)
Well, given that Procreating Will Kill Us All, what's NZ's birth rate at the moment? Probably barely replacement level, right? So what are we freaking out about again?
We don't try and change the parents, it's too late for them.
Way to crush my spirit there, Bart!
this seems less stupid when you realise exactly how hot and cold it can get in some parts of the country
I don't even understand how my ancestral peeps survived in the fetid swamps of Louisiana, to be honest. Alligators, giant flying cockroaches and one thousand percent humidity. What an appealing prospect.
Another technical point: I think it was Giovanni who noted that we don't have an overpopulation problem in New Zealand, but I don't believe he was necessarily advocating procreating hardcore for the Fatherland or anything.
the population bomb argument
I, along with Martin, am finding this to be a sort of dodgy subtext of the thread. But perhaps it isn't meant to be.
Let it grow! May it prosper.
My irredeemable nerdiness means that I heard this in Leonard-Nimoy-voice.
How do you think other members of society might think about that proposition?
Well, OK, let me get a bit more meta. Why do we always have to frame our arguments in terms of making some niggardly, meanspirited douche grudgingly accept something? Why can't we just say 'fuck that guy! He's an asshole!'?
there was an assumption of being able to control the environment at will
Heh. This is an ongoing joke in our extended family because three of us married Americans. 'Hey, you know what you could do to keep warm? PUT ON SOME PANTS.'
(Their *trailers* have central heating and cooling.)
Also, from a 'grrr, them's my taxes' point of view, what's the difference between one family with six kids, and three families with two kids?
Ah, but one family with six children is *profligate*! And also, that means they have been fucking with wild abandon, which is *icky*! Poverty-stricken families must be suitably sombre and grateful and clean and chaste to deserve our taxes.
I can't imagine that there are a statistically significant number of families who are procreating on purpose to get their extra $40 a week or whatever it is. Let's say it's, like, four families. Funnily enough, I am finding it hugely difficult to give the merest smidge of a fuck about this heinous breeding-n-rorting problem. (Basically, we're now framing this conversation the way the right wing wants us to, aren't we?)
having more children would just become less about the money than it presently is.
This is one of the most depressing sentences I have ever read.