Posts by Sam F
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And ACT get the outside cabinet positions of... local government, and consumer affairs.
Certainly not the worst that was feared.
So they are talking about tits on an owl I take it?
No wai!
I think the principle is this: if you're wishing for something very desirable and particularly unlikely, why not wish for a pony as well whilst you're at it?
Case in point, a few threads ago Kyle wished that someone would start an inquiry based for once entirely on non-partisan desire to protect our democracy. It wouldn't have done him any harm to have wished that everyone get a pony too.
Running over a pony presumably means that once wishful thinking has landed you in a mental happy place where you can almost sense your longed-for pony, some element of reality intervenes, and the result is several dozen boxes of Pedigree dogroll...
whatever Sam F. thinks, you're huffing some good glue if you think he's going to do National any favours.
None taken, in what seems to be the preferred lingo of PAS passive-aggression... :P
Seriously, though, point accepted. I meant no reflection on National or its supporters by asserting that Wishart might eventually blame the new government's failures (like our late government's failures) on some kind of pinko homosexualist conspiracy. The tentacles of the Illuminati surely aren't restrained by party lines, but from hanging around Wishart's blog, his base does seem to believe that National is somehow more family-friendly and thus less touched by the evils of godless society. They stand to be disappointed when National fails to institute the impossible paradise of their delusions, and they will be confirmed in their nuttiness accordingly.
I guess I'm so used to Wishart's assault on Labour that it's odd to think of an immediate channeling of the same vitriol onto National. My faith in Ian's miraculous anti-logic must be weak...
PAS hivemind strikes again...
Re Wishart: what does he do now that there’s a change of government?
Oh, he'll happily keep finding evidence of Islamic anarcho-feminist-lesbian-terrorist moles to explain away every pothole the Key government encounters.
Labour's eventual re-election - no matter how soon or how late - will seal his belief in the power of this atheist conspiracy. It really is a beautifully sealed little universe he inhabits.
So the Herald computer is full of archived celebratory reporting of the last few world cup finals?
All possible timelines since the dawn of the Internet exist somewhere within the Herald mainframe. Around the turn of the millennium Garth George's consciousness was accidentally uploaded into the system, and he has been holding the paper - indeed, the entire nature of causality - to ransom ever since.
You didn't hear it from me though.
well, for those of you who are a little upset about the result, consider that some of us are looking at our actual jobs disappearing.
not getting your favourite party in power is less of an issue...
I can sympathise. I can't quite shake my own fears about where I might be in a little while. I guess the only real answer is to carry on doing what I was always supposed to do - work efficiently, accurately and fairly - and hope for the best.
Sorry, should have been "ticking" not "tipping"... must have had stumbles of various kinds on my mind.
I am a little concerned about the satirists now, though. "Oh Bush impression, I'll miss you the most"...
A great moment, that.
Stewart and company will survive. Joe Biden will doubtless provide adequate gaffes to keep things tipping over, and - failing a miracle - the GOP will remain a hotbed of wingnutry. Especially if they keep Palin on.