Posts by Danielle
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It's probably lying on a blanket next to a broken toaster-oven. </King Missile>
I should drop that line.
Theory: the longer you attend university, the more you become convinced that you have no idea about anything. Or is that just me?
an adverse allergic reaction to some medication
He's allergic to cocaine now? That's going to put a cramp in his style.
He also had a lovely haircut, if that documentary at NZ On Screen is anything to go by.
ETA: John Key, I mean. Damn you with your on-topic post, Ranapia!
Just as big as John Stewart, and significantly bigger in the departments of sexism and anti-vaccine crankery.
Oooh! Time for me to link to the Onion: Bill Maher Spends All Night Arguing With Republican Hooker
I understand why he's so popular in the US, because there are very few people willing to say some of the things he says. But he's also a smug sexist douchebag more than occasionally.
3. Why was Spartacus never targeted?
Well, we couldn't work out which one he was.
(Sorry. Sorry. It was just lying there, begging for me to pick it up.)
Originally from Mataura
Goddamn, I hear that a lot. Is it just me?
It's not some elitist judgement
"Trailer trash" = kind of an elitist judgement.
(My half-brother's first house was a trailer. They're often the only things working-class people in America can afford.)
where will the music go now?
Isn't it already on C42? (Which, if US programming patterns for music video channels are anything to go by, will soon be taken over by witless nattering veejays and lose all its charm.)
Is there someone at Comedy Central New Zealand I can metaphorically kick in the nuts? Because I'm all Hulk-Smash about the Daily Show/Colbert thing.