Posts by Danielle
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(How cool is 'O Superman'? Still!)
One person miles from where the action is taking place wimpering in the corner isn't going to affect the outcome.
Pfffft. You and your LOGIC and your REASON. I knew! I knew that if I turned the netball on we would lose! So I didn't! And we won!
but perhaps the best of them – and it comes with the Danielle seal of approval – is the Le Castle Vania remix
Oh man, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE it. I could not love its big phat-bassed dancey Prince-synthy disco-stringy E'd-up ass more. I owe you! (Again.)
If anyone needs me, I shall be over here playing it for the mumblemumbleth time.
But then, Americans are just weird about swearing. I am having to practice some fairly hefty self-censorship.
We told you! Didn't we tell you? When I said 'twat' in passing in that class discussion, lord, the horrified silence...
(My FB status updates often include variants of 'goddammit' just to fuck with my American relatives. I am kind of an evil person.)
No, 'woo', as in 'take your lady out in the hope of getting some mad lovin'' is a different 'oo' sound than the one in 'book'. Which is different again from 'bok' as in springbok. The 'book' one is somewhere between 'woo' and 'bok'.
Also, I would like to meet a glottologist. Innit.
('Bear' and 'beer' *are* different. These kids! On my lawn, with their alcopops and their homophones!)
No, I mean 'woman' and 'women'. It's the first syllable that I pronounce differently. In other news, the English language is fucking weird. (Paging Dr Tiso for a whut-whut.)
But they're pronounced differently using the first syllable, right? 'Woh-min' and 'wimmin'. Or is that no longer done and I am an anachronism?
Cigarette cases, on the other hand...
Because you're secretly in love with... Michael York?
Heh, not really. Although I believe that he deserves our respect as part of the great English Tradition of Monkeymen (see also: Gaz from Supergrass; Ian Brown from the Stone Roses). Plus he is also the male sub-lead in my second favourite film of all time.
should we call you Almost-Dr Moreau?
Not really - I did all the necessary coursework (A average! A average! I stress that because it's all I have!) but didn't take the Giant Comprehensive Examinations of Doom or write The Big Fuckoff Dissertation, so perhaps you could call me '33% Dr Moreau'.
(I did, however, complete the minor in Women's Studies, and even have a certificate to prove it, so I can wave my postgraduate diploma of uselessness in someone's face, if necessary. Does anyone ever ask for those on a plane?)
for $24.99 (plus p & p) you could be Dr Moreau
Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
I did four years of a PhD before dropping out, and to be honest, at times the only thing that kept me going for that long was the desire to be known as *Dr Moreau*, which is just impossibly awesome. Particularly if you live on an island.