Posts by chris

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  • Polity: TPP, eh?, in reply to Ross Francis,

    Meanwhile, consumption of cigarettes has dropped significantly in Australia since the introduction of plain packaging.

    Legal sales of cigarettes have dropped...

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: The positive option of Red Peak, in reply to Richard Grevers,

    Labour’s proposal.

    Andrew Little said if the answer was no, then the money set aside for the 2nd referendum won't be spent.

    If it's yes, then the winner of the five designs will go up against the current flag early next year.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Chris Brown, in reply to Russell Brown,

    Not knowing any of the above I felt quite lucky and a little confused to have caught them headlining with Nine Inch Nails at the Ministry of Culture sanctioned Beijing Pop Festival in 2007.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Chris Brown, in reply to chris,


    Public Enemy does not currently have any concerts scheduled in New Zealand in 2015. If you’re ready for a road trip, Public Enemy, currently has 14 gigs booked in cities like Bournemouth (United Kingdom), Providence (United States), Dublin (Ireland), Leuven (Belgium).

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Chris Brown, in reply to Russell Brown,

    But when you look at the sparse crowd Public Enemy drew last time through – mostly white dudes my age – it’s pretty clear that the culture moved on.

    Turia’s support is reflexive because there is undoubtedly a racial element here. There is just never this level of vitriol when a white person with priors tries to visit (that I recall anyway).

    Yeah … but. It only really became an issue because Chris Brown had already been refused entry to other countries, which is the trigger under our law.

    Which isn’t so much a meaningful law as a coat tailing device. In 1991 Flavor Flav pleaded guilty to assaulting his then-girlfriend Karen Ross and served 30 days in jail, lost custody of his children. In August 1992 Public Enemy played in New Zealand. In 1993, Flav was charged with attempted murder and imprisoned for 90 days for shooting at his neighbor. That same year, Flav was later charged with domestic violence, cocaine and marijuana charges; his family performed an intervention and he checked into the Betty Ford Center for an addiction to crack cocaine. In 2002, Flav spent nine weeks in Rikers Island jail for driving with a suspended license, numerous parking tickets, and tardiness for probation appointments. In January 2011 Public Enemy performed at Auckland Town Hall. On May 2, 2011, Flav was arrested on four outstanding misdemeanor warrants for various driving offenses. Police said the rapper had two outstanding arrest warrants for driving without a license, one for driving without insurance, and one related to a parking citation. In 2012, Flav was jailed in Las Vegas on felony charges stemming from a domestic argument with Trujillo and threats to attack her teenage son, Gibran, with a knife.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Chris Brown, in reply to Danielle,

    I don’t think it’s hugely helpful to use lyrics as a signifier of anything in particular

    Absolutely, in this context where both the attacker and the victim are pop stars, at best it’s a tangent at worst it’s downright dangerous line to pursue. Above B Jones posted a track from two years before the assault as Rihanna having her say. Fortunately she didn’t post this incredibly ambiguous track recorded 9 or so months after the attack.

    or its sequel:

    Or some other similarly offensive artifice (Video SNFSFW)

    If the lyrics had any tangible bearing perhaps the first place one would look would be those of the leaked Chris Brown and Rihanna’s duet during there brief reunion 2012-2013.

    Sometimes lyrics might be a strong indicator sometimes not, some lyrics are pure autobiography, some just scratch the surface, some are pure fiction. Lyrics can inform attitudes, but there’s nothing unique about the attitudes Chris Brown appeals to and perpetuates. This is not about age:

    It’s about violence.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Chris Brown, in reply to Lilith __,

    I’d challenge anyone to explain why it’s “important”.

    That’s a very good question. I initially thought it must have come down to this:

    The women also hinted that there were racial elements at play

    For example was there a whisper when Mark Wahlberg was here shooting The Lovely Bones? Though his assaults appear to have been carried out when he was a minor, but then there was also no fuss when Jay Z came to town despite the stabbing so who knows, that also doesn’t seem to have affected his ability to tour here professionally, likewise 50 Cent toured in 2008 despite his 2004 assault and battery plea deal amongst other charges.

    Subsequent to the discharge without conviction for breach of the Civil Aviation Act Jono and Ben brought Vanilla Ice to New Zealand last year despite a 1991 firearm charge and 2 previous arrests for assaulting his wife. So visibility is playing a big part here as Danielle observed.

    What’s weird about this is that both of these cases were particularly egregious (Brown’s police report – and the photos of Rihanna’s face that are out there, if you care to search for them – is just absolutely awful, and we all know the detail’s of Veitch’s assault)

    As well as Craig’s

    That if you’re a celebrity you can show ZERO commitment to dealing with your painfully obvious difficulty with keeping your fists to yourself? FFS

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Speaker: Are we seeing the end of MSM,…, in reply to Steve Barnes,

    Its like they don’t care.

    If they can't fit it snugly into our post 11/9 narrative it doesn't count:

    The Ministry of Public Security said it was treating the case as a criminal act and not terrorism.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Chris Brown, in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    Yes, I’m perfectly happy with Collins being held accountable to her record as a minister of the Crown but I’m less than convinced this is the time or place for political point scoring

    It does appear to be time for this discussion though and I think most here are capable of handling the nuance of a mature discussion that doesn’t simply devolve into X good ergo Y bad.

    She has not talked to Brown himself, but believes that he has atoned.[…]"She had years to actually intervene and actually do something constructive while she was Minister,” she said.

    Disagreeing with Dame Tariana Turia need not obviate all criticism of Collins who seems quite capable of standing up for herself. If our democracy hadn’t already devolved into little more than a politician point scoring match then there would obviously be some precedent to work with, but that seems to be largely how politicians operate nowadays so I don't see a need to ignore their contributions. In order to fully address the mixed messaging of our society, in order to make any progress whatsoever to underlying attitudes it’s essential that each point is assessed individually on its merits or lack thereof. I had no idea that Collins had defended Williamson until I read Logie’s post.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Chris Brown, in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    If Chris Brown was a New Zealander what would be his chances of getting a visa to perform in the United States under identical circumstances?

    Not that it answers your question but he probably would have been given diversion for the Rihanna attack (I can’t find any priors). Given the circumstances and his age at that time, presumption as to what might have ensued is problematic. There have been a few New Zealand celebrities discharged without conviction in recent years, a replication of Brown’s circumstances would be an anomaly.

    Mawkland • Since Jan 2010 • 1302 posts Report

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