Posts by Che Tibby

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  • Hard News: Some things you may not know,

    great thread... only read a couple of pages, but...

    velvet underground and nico was the first album i remember making me really sit up and listen to music. i was given a copy of never mind the bollocks when i was 16, and went, "wtf!?" but never became a punk.

    velvet underground and nico made me go w... t... f...

    i was instantly underground. forever.

    until i got old, sold out and started listening to

    but that reaction to that album. that's art. it doesn't matter if you're looking at a 50c piece with a hole drilled in the middle, or mona lisa. it's the feeling that someone's craft has just connected with you in a manner you can't explain, but just know.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: The cane and the strap,

    Is anyone aware of a movement against verbal violence?

    kiwiblog sure as hell hasn't...

    Since when have "childrens' rights" been "nonsense" anyway?

    and that 'children's rights' meme is a recycled line from during the child discipline bill debates. i refer you to rbs indication of who's behind this discipline drive.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: The cane and the strap,

    i distinctly remember arguing with my brother out by the bike racks at primary school (remember when kids used to find their own way to school without the need of 4x4 assistance?)

    the principal intervened, but chose not to strap me.

    why? well, because he liked my brother less, even though i started the fight.

    my brother started anti-social behaviour within weeks.

    and to that i say: fck you, nobby clarke.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Phew, what a scorcher?,

    che <--- applauds "that man fletcher with the power of reason".

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Phew, what a scorcher?,

    oh, and what robyn said.

    the problem with this issue is that nobody really knows.

    1. the only we can can be sure of is that increased carbon has produced very particular climates in geological history.
    2. that the removal of that carbon encouraged you and i to evolve.
    3. and that putting all that carbon back out there could make life very difficult for us.

    the rest is modelling. and any kid who's played the most simple simulation game will tell you. take a system in rough equilibrium and add a massive extraneous variable. things will change, often for the worse.

    i knew those years of sim-city would pay off.

    </grumble over>

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Phew, what a scorcher?,

    I can't resist nit-picking, Che. By definition a down-payment is the first one you make... unless you paid in one go, a final down-payment is oxymoronic.

    depends if you're buying more that one cabin. (and making good on the rest of the payments... Up here is for thinking brother... up here) :)

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Phew, what a scorcher?,

    meh. so western civilisation falls over under the weight of its own consumption binge.

    humanity will live on.

    </makes final down-payment on cabin in woods>

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Phew, what a scorcher?,

    Why should my insurance premiums rise to cover the risk of Kaeo residents who insist on building in flood prone areas?

    what till you see the premiums after storm surges flood downtown auckland.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Phew, what a scorcher?,

    , that's the main point in the short term: if the climate is changing in this way, what are the practical issues?

    hurricane katrina is probably a great example. there was planning in place, but it was either ineffectual or, more importantly, poorly lead [looks at gwb...]

    i hear the sound of shuffling deckchairs, world-wide.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Phew, what a scorcher?,

    so... how long till we start hearing questions about planning to mitigate global warming?

    and, of course the inevitable reply, "no one was expecting these weather effects."

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

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