Posts by Che Tibby

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  • Southerly: A Slow Journey and a Quick Arrival,


    start taping top gear now. they'll be in invaluable resource for classic car purchasing in future years.

    "son... i wish i knew someone who could find me a db9..."

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Transmogrithingy,

    that's the kind of racist bastardry I wish just a little of the flowing moral outrage around these parts could be directed at.

    sure. but do you seriously expect to see that from me?

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Just some links, really,

    was at a conference this week. one morning i saw someone order a latte, and when it arrived in a coffee cup they kind of... stopped... and stared... clearly thinking...

    "whea iz ma bukkit?"

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Just some links, really,

    on global warming.

    the abc apparently got muscled into airing the great global warming swindle, despite it being widely panned.

    some liberal party culture-warriors on the board, apparently.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Transmogrithingy,

    craig, there's no way you're baiting me into discussing hypocrisy in the new zealand parliament.

    on that, my opinions are my on.

    stating that i agree with harawira about howard is not an affirmation of all his statements. so spare me the wee dig. k thx bai.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Transmogrithingy,


    man, i'm so past angry when it comes to howard it alarms me..

    the next thing to read after that crikey article is this article in the sydney morning herald.

    you'll note that howard is accused of holding the removal of the permit system as an objective in this sphere since the late 1990s.

    look. i'm on my own time here, and i'm going to have to say that harawira is right. howard is a stinking racist. there's a book by an academic called andrew markus that very clearly outlines how the wee man has systematically used racism to maintain his government in power.

    furthermore, he has worked to undermine aboriginal rights ever since the death of two great men, charles perkins and h.c. "nugget" coombs. both of these men where instrumental in keeping aboriginal self-determination alive from the 1970s to the early noughties.

    the permit system is in effect the last barrier to the complete dissolution of aboriginal self-government. the native title act, and with it the right of aboriginal people to negotiate with mining companies has been watered down. the wik amendment to the same act ensured that native title was easily extinguishable by the states. atsic was gutted and closed down after the loss of perkins and coombs.

    howard has no real interest in child abuse or aboriginal people. this is a cynical manipulation.

    so sure, debate me. argue that "at least something is being done". but i can guarantee that come six months after the next election? nothing will be done. nothing at all. the money will be "reprioritised, and all these blackfullas will be abandoned out in the styx again. with even less to show for it that when howard "declared war" on abuse.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Transmogrithingy,

    in palmerston north.

    nobody envy me...

    >>last three posters.

    sorry guys, wrong. the central issue is not "men preying on women and children".

    the central issue is howard alternately ignoring and undermining aboriginal people and cultures, then declaring war on them to win an election.

    you might want to read this interesting article.

    howard's attitude towards aboriginal people since the 90s is a disgrace. this "tackling the issue" bullshit is just a means an an assimilatory end.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Stories: Employment Lore,

    1996, auckland. i had a job washing dishes and making sandwiches at a cafe called 'picasso' in an art school in grafton.

    being an ancient building in a seedy(ish) part of town the place had a chronic rodent infestation. i was working every day there, and my first job each morning was rodent removal.

    we'd lay poison each evening, and then clear away the little blighters who bought it as and when they turned up.

    this involved snooping around the kitchen for dead mice in the cupboards, under the ovens/fridges, in the flour, etc. you know, the usual kitchen-prep type stuff.

    finding the mummified mice who'd gone into the ovens after the crumbs from the muffin-trays was always "a laugh". one got stuck in the vents once, and i had to extract it's little corpse by separating it's head and torso. must have been trying to flee when the ovens started up and was cooked to death.

    the worse thing though was that the boss was incredibly cheap, and lazy to boot. so he wouldn't have us empty the sugar bowls in the evening. or cover them. we'd just dust the bowls with more sugar to hid the tiny footprints in them, and made sure we took out any poo or crystalised wee we noticed.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: TVNZ: The Sub's Pencil Strikes,

    that was me agreeing with you, btw.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: TVNZ: The Sub's Pencil Strikes,

    I feel that 'infotainment' is the horse that's bolted and its going to be very difficult to shut the barn door now.

    sure. i agree. but... does every single channel have to offer it?

    SBS is an example of a news service that offers great, informative, non-'mainstream' news. it's snappy, interesting, and wide-ranging.

    why should new zealand forgo that type of news just because piercing nicky watson's boobs is popular with pushTV viewers?

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

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