Posts by Mikaere Curtis

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  • Hard News: Some Lines for Labour,

    James you are conflating personal health choices with governmental addiction to large scale roading projects. Surely you can see a problem with that comparison ?

    Also, nothing in the policy precludes efficacy-based decisioning in terms of which products/therapies to include.

    Tamaki Makaurau • Since Nov 2006 • 528 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some Lines for Labour,

    @Bart: Have you even read the policy ? Or even the part quoted by James ?

    Sections 3 and 5 specifically deal with safety issues.

    Can you point to any Green MP who said complementary therapies should be totally unregulated ?

    What Sue Kedgely did actual say was,in an oral question to the Minister of Health was:

    Will the Government revisit its decision to use the proposed trans-Tasman therapeutic products agency to regulate dietary supplements and complementary medicines following the Health Committee’s recommendation that strengthening domestic regulation is the most appropriate method of governing complementary health-care products in New Zealand; if not, why not?

    Domestic regulation != laissez faire.

    Whilst I understand your disageement with the Greens around GE, I would appreciate you actually reading the policy rather than misrepresenting it.

    ETA link to oral question.

    Tamaki Makaurau • Since Nov 2006 • 528 posts Report

  • Hard News: Asking for a Contribution,

    Happy to chip in a koha, PAS is a great community. Keep up the good work, Russ.

    Tamaki Makaurau • Since Nov 2006 • 528 posts Report

  • Hard News: For the kids, if nothing else,

    enhanced interrogation

    Weasel words. The correct term is torture, and what is torture is if not individualised terrorism ? What's that ? You might get some information from the torture ? Got it now, terrorism is OK if it can be justified. Irony-nui.

    If you want to call that “craven Nazi butt licking”, then I say, Sir, you have no decency and invite you to return to your bridge immediately.

    Well said, Craig.

    Tamaki Makaurau • Since Nov 2006 • 528 posts Report

  • Cracker: RIght On., in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    You’ve pulled this on me before, so I won’t bother asking for an apology and retraction. But it would nice if you’d think a little about respect being a two way street and snidely dog-whistling that people you disagree with are like child abusers isn’t even close.

    You may have misread - I said "Paternal" not parental. As in patriarchal authoritarianism. And, no, I wasn't dogwhistling. But I do find the whole attitude of "we know better than you, and will override your wishes" to be somewhat patronising.

    @ Graeme

    The Don Brash National Party opposed the Foreshore and Seabed Act =)

    True, but only because it didn't go far enough. So you have two classes of owner - aboriginal (who will be vastly Maori, if not completely) and fee simple (a mixture). They F&S act only applied to one group, who just happened to be vastly (or wholly) Maori, and not to the others. Surely you can see a problem here ?

    Tamaki Makaurau • Since Nov 2006 • 528 posts Report

  • Cracker: RIght On.,

    Anyone else here thinks the Maori seats may have outlived their usefulness?

    Craig has a mortgage on that. Given that all Maori have the choice of dis-establishing the Maori seats by voluntarily transferring to the general roll, can't we let the market sort this out ? Instead, Craig, Brash and others would rather get out the Stick of Paternal Coercion and remove them without some much as a "by your leave". Why convince when you can override ?

    @Raymond A Francis

    His position is that he is not; he just believes everyone is equal which is hardly a racist position.

    If you believe this, then can you please explain why Brash was happy for only Maori owners of title of the F&S should be treated differently from existing owners ?

    As Paul Williams says, when you have being Maori as a salient indicator of negative outcomes in terms of education, health, and crime is it actually being racist to recognise this factor relevant to policy settings ?

    Tamaki Makaurau • Since Nov 2006 • 528 posts Report

  • Cracker: RIght On.,

    Given the fractious nature of the caucus (and party in general) coupled with the relative austerity of the resources available to a minor party, I will be very interested to see how well Brash does at developing and delivering a coherent policy message. Beyond, of course, his rancid "Iwi vs Kiwi" rhetoric.

    To some extent, I think the 2005 campaign has inoculated a proportion of the voters against getting worked up about the same thing (lack of intellectual rigour aside) a second time. Rather like how Winston Peters can no longer garner votes by Asian-bashing. OTOH, that could just be wishful thinking.

    Tamaki Makaurau • Since Nov 2006 • 528 posts Report

  • Hard News: Time to get a grip, in reply to James W,

    Henry is literally a racist. There's no "well, he's just controversial", or "he just speaks his mind", or "he's anti-PC" covering here, he was exposed as a racist and got fired for it.

    I don't think he got fired for being racist because I don't think he was actually being racist when he made his offensive comments about Sheila Dikshit's name. He was applying a non-intended cultural context to her name, and found it amusing to (and wildly beyond) the point of offence.

    Ironically, he was actually pronouncing her name correctly (Peter Williams' "Dixit" was simply wrong).

    I'll be interested to see whether his behaviour is moderated by the format of the drive news show. Given that a lot of his show will be engaging with people who can actually talk back, I would expect some of his guests to take him to task if he tries his petulant nonsense on them.

    Tamaki Makaurau • Since Nov 2006 • 528 posts Report

  • Hard News: The First Draft, in reply to Matthew Poole,

    I heard it on Saturday morning, and just reviewed the audio (from 14:36). I got it wrong. It wasn't the head of the US USAR, but it was a "senior member". So, I think there is a certain level of regard held for our teams doing the hard yards in Christchurch.

    Tamaki Makaurau • Since Nov 2006 • 528 posts Report

  • Hard News: The First Draft, in reply to st ephen,

    Sadly, I think you just answered your own question with the elephant-in-the-room that is the third official language...

    It's been official since 2006 - I'm not sure why that begets an elephant.

    Hopefully, when the review of the quake response is undertaken*, they will listen carefully to feedback that suggests that perhaps Deaf really do need specific communication mechanisms. It's not like they can just switch on National Radio...

    * The head of the American USAR contingent was sufficiently impressed that he asked Mayor Bob to relay his conclusion that this was the best organised earthquake response he had ever seen. So, it seems the problems may exist in terms of things that hadn't actually occurred to them (like catering for Deaf).

    Tamaki Makaurau • Since Nov 2006 • 528 posts Report

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