Posts by stephen clover

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  • Up Front: Do My Homework For Me,

    I must say, I'm a bit amazed that this is controversial.

    I wouldn't go so far as to say controversial, just.... interesting? Mostly when you're talking about porn, and censorship, and especially Australia's retarded new rules/laws and if "watersports" are banned then should "squirting" also be? Because it's not real, it's peeing yada yada yada or it is actually really truly real, not peeing, and yada yada yada...

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Up Front: Do My Homework For Me,

    Anna Span recently got a British court to rule that yes, female ejaculation is a real thing. And here's the New Scientist explaining how it works.

    Well thank god. I was unaware of this development in the 'science'. About time...

    Silly women. Hush now, the grown-ups are talking.

    Now now, don't be mean :) That was before he was presented with the undeniable evidence -- and I've heard numerous women say exactly the same thing re. fem. ejac.

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Up Front: Do My Homework For Me,

    they're not proper women and men who find them attractive are perverts

    Only the men? ;)

    Could be an urban myth - surely that would have created enough of a logical paradox to destroy the world?

    Something to do with "sexting", if I am thinking of the same thing. Kids below the age of consent charged as adults for taking and circulating cellphone pics.


    Note that in Australia, they're still trying to figure out if this includes female ejaculation :))

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Island Life: What I saw at the step change.,

    While not suggesting mining native forests is in any way justifiable it may turn out to be technically possible to extract minerals from public lands without doing harm.

    Agreed, quite possibly. But the benefits to NEW ZEALAND are negligible. The mining company does all the mining, makes all the money, and pays a token percentage (read: pittance) to the Crown for the privilege. So Brownlee should stop shooting his fat mouth off about all this mineral wealth just waiting for us to dig it up and reap the financial benefits from it; he's lying.

    So as far as bringing the Govt down: a strong message needs to be out there in order to counter the nasty propaganda around this.

    Note I believe that even if it was possible to mine without harm the companies doing it would fuck it up and do plenty of harm.

    Rather. In fact, I'm sure it will turn out to be far too expensive to mine without harm, and we'll end up with the Coromandel being surface-mined and "mountaintop-removalled" rather like the horrors currently being afflicted on the Appalachians in the US.

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Tax cut zombies,

    Philip K Dick, VALIS chapter 2:

    No need existed to bait Fat with idle questions, such as, "If God can do anything can he create a ditch so wide he can't jump over it?" We had plenty of real questions that Fat couldn't field. Our friend Kevin always began his attack one way. "What about my dead cat?" Kevin would ask.

    Several years ago, Kevin had been out walking his cat in the early evening. Kevin, the fool, had not put the cat on a leash, and the cat had dashed into the street and right into the front wheel of a passing car. When he picked up the remains of the cat it was still alive, breathing in bloody foam and staring at him in horror. Kevin liked to say, "On judgment day when I'm brought up before the great judge I'm going to say, 'Hold on a second,' and then I'm going to whip out my dead cat from inside my coat. 'How do you explain this?' I'm going to ask."

    By then, Kevin used to say, the cat would be as stiff as a frying pan; he would hold out the cat by its handle, its tail, and wait for a satisfactory answer.

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Island Life: What I saw at the step change.,

    And each time we do, we're going to put a shiny dollar in Russel Norman's tip jar. Now I get it. Lay waste to the National Parks. It's a Steppe change!

    So I presume that the govt has come up with a way to mine for gold, coal, and minerals in the National Parks which DOESN'T make multinational mining companies rich(er) while trickling a mere pittance back into the Crown coffers?

    It's a CASH COW, people!!! We're SITTING on a GOLD MINE!!! Not. Assholes.

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Updated: GST compensation: Can…,

    I think I'm losing my mind...

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standards Matter,

    Because it's only just occurred to them there might be a problem? It's a shame Key can't just bring himself to put it as bluntly as Schrager did.

    ... or at least the way Mikaere Curtis did upthread when he presented his innovative suggestion with which I can find no flaw.

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • Hard News: Standards Matter,

    in any serious calculation, how does this warrant a grand-standing "teachers are useless and failing us" argument?

    It doesn't. Prime Minister and Minister Tolley are engaging in the practice of propaganda, which also known as lying.

    Also -- arguably -- trying to deflect attention from their useless policy by misdirection, rather like a conjuror distracts you from noticing where that rabbit appeared from. Except this misdirection is to -- arguably -- designed to try to weaken the teacher's union (NZEI).

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Lies, damn lies, adjectives,

    Listen to Bob Buckle on Morning report today

    Nine to Noon. But yeah, scream. SCREEAAAAAAAAAM *headsmak*

    wgtn • Since Sep 2007 • 355 posts Report

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