Posts by Yamis

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  • Field Theory: Never alone with Metenolone, in reply to jeremy gray,

    Re looking like real people, the bbc has a page here to find your body double</q>

    I match up with a 100m sprinter from the Bahamas.

    I'll take that. :)

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Never alone with Metenolone,

    Phil Gifford on RS about half an hour ago.

    To summarise his words: Belarus is very poor, Ostapchuk doesn't get much in the way of sponsorship dollars (not a pin up model, from a small country relatively speaking, and comes second all the time), and doesn't get much from the government because they don't have much to give. She lost to Adams for about a decade, beat her once in an indoor meet when Adams was at rock bottom due to her marriage break up and falling out with Hellier her coach. Since then Adams was dominating again.

    Gifford theorises that she went back and sat down with her manager and coach and said what the hell do I have to do to beat her.

    She can't engage in sophisticated, state of the art doping because they can't afford it so she goes for the old fashioned stuff. All of a sudden there's big improvements in her throwing distances.

    I think it's worth adding that it was the Belarussian authorities testing her in the same way that our own agencies are testing Adams and other big hopes a lot in the lead up because they want them clean. The Belarussian authorities could have been not testing for the right stuff, or turning a blind eye. It's happened in the US before where their own agencies were turning up positive tests but not notifying anybody.

    And now Ostapchuk is shocked to find that she's been caught.

    There could even be the situation where she was being given stuff that she didn't know about. There was a Kenyan walker (I think, not a runner) who pulled out before the games because he was a mental wreck as he'd been on the juice and he got tested positive anyway. He said that they get pharmacists setting up shop around where athletes train telling them to try this and that, it'll make them feel a lot stronger etc etc and in a moment of weakness, or desparation some of them go down that path.

    A couple of weeks back I went and had a look at Ostapchuk's biggest throwing distances over the last decade or so and she was inconsistent from 2000 (when she went from Junior to adult) to 2008, throwing between 18.13 and 20.51 but generally averaging in the mid 19's.

    Then all of a sudden in 6 consecutive major meetings she throws over 20 metres from 2010 to this year with her best being 20.85 (at an indoor meet in early 2010).

    Then bang, she throws it 21.36.

    Adams herself has said that you make the big jumps in results early on when you are young, then as you get older it's just little tweaks here and there that can make you throw further. For Ostapchuk to suddenly be consistently throwing it at her peak distances and then go close to a metre more than anything she'd thrown in the last two years sets off massive alarm bells.

    Even if she wasn't knowingly taking it she had it in her system so she was benefiting from it.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Time will tell,

    I was watching a bit of the mens handball last night and thought the crowd noise sounded weird. Could hear sticks clacking and women shouting at each other and no reaction to the goals in the mens handball game.

    Put two and two together and went down a couple of channels and found the womens hockey on and sure enough they had that crowd feed going into the handball game. I called SKY, they made a note of it and sure enough they put in the handball crowd feed to the hand ball game. Problem was they left the hockey feed in as well so they were over lapping. I'm watching the handball and hear the ground announcer say that NZ was now up 1-nil v South Africe. Kind of convenient though. :)

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: The hard way back!, in reply to peter mclennan,

    Hey Yamis - at a guess, that venue sounds like one of BFMs legendary Private Functions at the Turners And Growers warehouses that used to be on the waterfront, before that part of town got totally cleaned up. As far as the song goes, heck, that description covers a bunch of our stuff - maybe Smokin and Fumnin?. I suggest checking our Bandcamp page - we reissued a bunch of our music recently. On Cd and iTunes/amplifier etc.
    Hope that helps

    Think it might have been a live version of Black Spade Picasso. I think I remember the "Picasso ... Core ..." part. Smokin and fumin has got a bit of down time during it, and I remember it as being more full on. And you've nailed the venue. That's exactly where it was. I guess the modern day equivalent would be 'the cloud'. :)

    TBH, that was possibly the first ever live gig I went to (apart from high school talent shows haha) . I went to a whole stack in the following years but I would have been 17 years old then and living out in the sticks of W.A. with no cash money, so I'm thinking that kick started it all for me :)

    I give thanks.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: The hard way back!, in reply to peter mclennan,

    Sweet, I will check it out. I'd know as soon as I heard it, but all the main stuff that I hear just doesn't gel with what I remember. This song got the crowd cranking. As I recall it was the 'energy number' of your set. I jizzed in my pants metaphorically speaking. Shame on me for not going straight out and buying all your music.

    Anyhow, here's my contribution to the evening, courtesy of my dodgy mate, and my wife respectively (out of Korea).

    I recommend taking some sort of mind altering substance before hand... coffee, alcohol, crack, heroin, bath salts....

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: The hard way back!,

    Actually reading through the posts again it was quite probably the Auckland Uni Orientation gig mentioned above.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: The hard way back!, in reply to peter mclennan,

    grant - I know 3THW played at the 1995 BDO - found a photo of me and two of them in RIU from the 1995 BDO when my band Hallelujah Picassos played....

    Peter, help me out here. I saw Hallelujah Picassos play in about 1994, 95 maybe in downtown Auckland in some sort of warehouse/shed sort of place near the waterfront (I hope I'm not completely misremembering - a lot of booze has washed under the bridge). Playing support for Supergroove. I think the venue closed down sometime soon after. You guys played a song that was quite heavy and maybe a bit electronish and I remember thinking 'holy fuck' what an awesome song - crowd really pumping, lots of energy. Any idea what it was? On more than one occasion I've tried finding out what song it could have been but without much luck. It may have been a song that was re-worked a bit from anything recorded.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: The hard way back!, in reply to peter mclennan,

    I so loved that song when I was a 17/18 yr old starting out at Uni. Was listening to RATM, Cyprus Hill, and wandering around wearing baggie black jeans and adidas jackets.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Field Theory: JK is back,

    Interesting that he thought that the Super 15 shouldn't exist and that NZ should just have an ITM Cup and then break into a Heinekin Cup style comp afterwards which is EXACTLY what I've been saying for several years.

    I think he'll go OK. He was making the right noises in his radio interviews today.

    The do need a massive overhaul though from top to bottom. Starting with the top. Dalton HAS to go. He seems as though he's untouchable yet he's overseen disaster at Counties, disaster at Auckland and disaster at the Blues. What else does he need to do to get the arse card?!

    The Blues also need to get serious about scouting the best young rugby players in Auckland and offering them a pathway.

    I reckon the NZRU needs to seriously investigate an Under 20 style comp like the Toyota Cup in the NRL and have games as curtain-raisers to the top stuff. Get it televised as well. These young kids love being on TV. Only around 10% of them go on to get professional contracts but it's a huge opportunity to them to show their talents and it gives you a chance to see who is up to it.

    With the NRL as well, young rugby players see the Super 15 system and see 5 teams that they can break into. With league there are 16 teams that could recruit them. Yes in rugby there is the ITM Cup below as well which they can move into but it's pretty much broke and the pay means that most players need to find another job the other 9 months of the year.

    I could easily go on forever and then a bit longer but that'll do.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: Dinosaur Jams, in reply to Anonymous Author,

    and this 16 year old:

    Checking out what he's (Name UL) got on youtube and this is a decent one.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

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