Posts by Simon Grigg
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Gary, don't undersell yourself as a writer. Lest we forget. You were always my favourite writer in that mag, by some distance, and you had some serious competition at times.
This, I believe, was the supposedly unfairly maligned product. Perhaps someone remembers the plucky reviewer.
It was. And it deserved it.
WEA took up the space I think. They also paid for a year's advertising in advance as I recall around the same time to allow RIU to continue, when the end looked close. Tim Murdoch (the label's MD) deserved, and I think, got, a virtual hug, from many that month.
if-you-can't -say-something-nice-say-nothing rule.
or the if-you-can't -say-something-nice-you-get-no-more-ads-from-record-company-rule. I remember when Murray Cammick was threatened by a major record company that he'd lose the bill-paying regular full back cover ad if he gave a certain major act's most recent album a shitty review.
He ran it anyway, and another label took the space.
RIP Willy DeVille.
Indeed. I have 12" of Spanish Stroll that I bough back in 77 / 78, which fits the three minute tune over the whole 30cm, with incredible bottom end, the likes of which I've yet to hear any CD reproduce.
Tom Yorke on the CD and the music industry.
from Alexander the Psychopath
It always bemuses me how self aggrandising murderous psychopaths usually were tagged with 'the Great'
In a strictly spiritual way of course....
No... there was gardening to be getting on with, after all.
You forgot the 'I'm fabulously rich and I want to hang out with Formula 1 drivers and show off my new perm' period.
Marbecks may have whored out to the evil corporate beast but I've always found the staff at both stores friendly, well-informed
Indeed, which is why they survived so long and the very reason folks still talk of the late Murray Marbeck with something that far exceeds simple respect. Roger, his son, is doing very good things over at Ode.
George also (narrowly) wins the Solo Album-Off with All Things Must Pass. That's what happens when they only give you two songs an album for eight years!
But it was the pent up frustration of all those years of not being able to contribute, and the need to compete with J&P that made All Things Must Pass what it was...that and Phil Spector.
He never did it again. Once that frustration and need was spent, his solo years were pretty formless musically.
I only met Louise Chunn briefly years later, and she was way cool.
Yep, indeed. I knew Louise pretty well in the early 1980s (her now ex-hubby Dominic Free also wrote a bit too) and still get the odd email from her, the last about 8 months back. She was extraordinarily well connected for promos when I got to London in 83' (she'd edited Smash Hits for a spell amongst other things, and was at Elle then) and I used score all sorts of bits of vinyl off her. In fact from the moment she landed in London she was extraordinarily well connected full stop, and she wrote a nice puff piece about what a bunch of us were doing in London, for the Ak Star, which helped open a few doors when I returned.
As an aside, she made it into the tabloids of recent.