Posts by Danielle
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On the other hand, without it we don't get Frankie Goes to Hollywood's Welcome to the Pleasuredome. So, there's that.
what I've seen of Treme is not doing it for me.) Not the biggest fan of Friday Night Lights
Right, that's it. Handbags at dawn!
Oh, that pamphlet is fun!
This direct approach to people sometimes leads to difficulties for Americans when dealing with people who come from cultures where such directness is considered offensive or insulting.
Huh. I think Americans are quite oblique and indirect when you compare them with New Zealanders. Or perhaps that's just me.
khakis, khakis, and more khakis
Do *not* even get me started on this. I have bitched about it for over a decade to anyone who will listen. It's like they're all in some sort of cult.
Hairy, hairy art. Made of hair.
Oh god, so disgusting. The hairball machine! The hair-grinder! The hair in resin! BLAAAARGH!
That does it. I'm changing my name to Danielle O'Hurlihy.
(I find the Friedman soap piece rather intriguing, though: how did he straighten out the hairs? Did he use GHDs?)
is it weird then that I made a cat toy for my cat from it's own hair (gathered after brushing)?
Nyarggghhhh! Ah, yeah, it's probably not weird, but it makes me personally kinda hurly. :)
(If we make a movie about this thread, I suggest that it should be called Dickinson, Death, and Watermelon Salad.)
barberous practices
Ian, you complete me.
It just occurred to me that it's not necessarily the dead thing, it's the *hair* thing. If the associated person was still hale and hearty, standing there by the floral display going 'hey, look at this rad craft I made from my own hair!', I would still want to hurl on them.
Did someone say 'teeny tiny freaky museums'? And were we talking about death and display? Well, have I got just the thing for you! Houston's very own National Museum of Funeral History. Lots of fun/ghoulish/interesting stuff, but what sticks in my mind is the small display of those Victorian floral wall hangings made entirely from the deceased's hair. (Does the prospect of hairy little flowers on the wall make you all throw up a little, mentally? I feel quite gaggy, remembering it, but I'm not sure why it's so *incredibly gross* to me.)
A warm, cosy mountain filled with awesome stories.
Heh, Ben!
To confound my stupidity, I read the "reader comments".
I try not to do this at the Herald, the Guardian, or Salon. I don't know who sent around the memo to all the whining MRAs, but that's where they hang. Blurgh.
We were greeted, cheerfully, by a cheerful worker sporting the company badge that listed the exceedingly cheerful Red Robin code:
Seeking Knowledge
Having Fun!I am of course reminded of the scene in Office Space where Jennifer Aniston's character is berated for not wearing more than the regulation amount of 'flair'. I wonder if there's anything more soul-destroying than working for a company which has 'cheerful whimsy' as a condition of employment.
I knew nothing about Emily Dickinson's personal life. I am now totally intrigued!
Also, this:
Neighbourhood children... stood under Emily’s window calling “Booty, booty!” [and] she would lower baskets of her home-made gingerbread.
A Victorian booty call! (Groan.)
children's deaths
Lalalalalalala I CAN'T HEAR YOU. In fact, my brain blocked that part of Jolisa's review out immediately after reading it.