Posts by Danielle
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Yes. I be ribbin'.
1. I give props to Giovanni for the Blams reference. (He's originally from Italy, you know. I don't think that's been mentioned before.)
this is actually a good thing for employees, since if you're in a situation where your employer wants to get rid of you, then summary sacking might be just the incentive you need to get on and find something more suitable
Someone I know actually said this to me once, during a conversation about him being forced to fire people. You'll say anything to live with yourself after having to do that, I suppose.
managers are pretty average and are not stepping up to the responsibilities of improving performance
Dear lord, deliver us from gung-ho management types.
I am an average lamb-shanker, but I make the best jambalaya and étouffée. I'm afraid I can't help it; it's genetic. (And, uh, I don't know anyone else in NZ who makes them regularly. Is that winning or cheating?)
Is anybody really treating the descriptions of athletic feats in ancient sources as literal, measurable records?
C'mon, Gio, no ancient writers ever exaggerated to suit their own purposes. In other news, Methuselah was *totally* 969 when he died.
Talk about letting the side down: I tick *none* of those boxes. Quick, someone tie my right hand behind my back and confer an honourary philosophy degree upon me!
If we're voting on whether we prefer the hardbodies of days of yore, count one for "wimpy lardass with high life expectancy". If it's all the same to you.
Most surprising thing in this thread so far:
I now spend literally 40 minutes a day cleaning my teeth
Least surprising thing in this thread so far:
Emma your description screams 'more exercise needed' to me.
Do people even say 'change the record' any more? (What I find hilarious is that even as a person without a chronic illness, these little homilies have the absolute opposite effect on me: when Peter turns up in a thread my ass actually feels *compelled* to stay on the couch watching TV for much longer than it would have otherwise. Plus there's my whole 'wanting to shoot heroin in my eyeball' response, which is practically Pavlovian, at this point.)
pregnancy is a gradual, unavoidable fitness program
That assertion makes me hate the entire experience retrospectively even more than I already did. Heh.
Sending hippy vibes.
I was never ill until this year. I realised that despite doing my best, I hadn't been particularly empathetic because I never 'got it'. It never occurred to me how knee-tremblingly difficult and exhausting it would be to walk across a small hospital room and have a shower, and then put a gown back on and get back into bed. Or how long it would take. It was quite sobering.
how many Americans just don't drink at all
My mother (tipple of choice: Johnnie Walker Red) became put off Baptists for life when she worked in a restaurant in the USA and ran into some who ordered hard liquor and drank it out of teacups so no one would know. (Of course, my American half of the family hails from Louisiana, the state where you can buy Southern Comfort at your local petrol station. There are also, erm, drive-through liquor stores. The Catholics don't play!)
I would like to note, for the 'Quest for Oblivion' record, that whenever I have been off my tits, I was going for Russell's Theory of Bigger Fun. I am afraid there is no need to psychoanalyse the (nonexistent) huuuuuge emotional hooooole in my soouuuuul, or whatever.
another Brewster McCloud fan
RIP, Houston Astrodome.
Ah, but wait! This makes up for it:
In fact, it might actually make up for everything bad that has ever happened in the world.